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    It's a bit late for this release, but why not use pallet swaps for your temporary sprites?

      The Download Always Takes forever.. I waited 10 minutes and it was only at 0.2 MB also saying: 1 Day Left. There might be a glitch in the download files. I'm not entirely sure However.

        Cthulaid42 That´s strange it works fine for me, anyway i added a MEGA link.

        Great mod, an absolute must-have for small ships. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication! I have been enjoying the new test parts added with this last update, and I have a little feedback:

        1. The test landing pad (the one that has the teleporters and is virtually identical to the current landing pad), seems to have problems utilizing the teleport ammo feature. I think this may be a bug, as the ammo will disappear, but won't be added to the docked ship.

        2. The test "Big Cannon Turret" will not damage ships if given the force-target command. It will only deal damage if the targeted ship is on a different team/allegiance. The normal turret cannon and mass driver used to have this problem, but it seems as it was fixed in this last update.

        3. The new shield system is quite interesting and very powerful. I hesitate to say it's too powerful, but from preliminary testing multiple linked shields seem almost as strong as some of the weaker Warhammer 40K shields. This, coupled with their resistance to electro-bolter draining effects and the relative low cost of each part makes them quite powerful, especially in comparison to vanilla shields.

        4. When assigning crew in the "Job Priorities" menu, and scrolling through the energy weapons section, you can see quote "Steltek Guns". These weapons appear to be another fighter weapon, as they have normal, right, and left variants, and seem to have their own sprite. However, unless I am blind/missing something, they don't appear in game and cannot be built. Perhaps this is a leftover weapon that never made it into the full release?


        Thank you again for all of your hard work, both here on the mod and in your role as the new artist for the main game!

          Astrum Thanks for your feedback! I updated the mod with a fix for the Landing Pad (test) and the Big Twin Cannon. The Phase Shield Linker has a couple of problems i havent figure it out how to fix yet, the first one is that even when full it uses to much energy and the second one is that when the shields are on low hp they absorb more damage than it should. The steltek guns and the steltek drone are "hidden" parts i made for a future campaing mode.

          Kroom Wow, thanks for fixing those issues so quickly!

          I definitely noticed that the shields were absorbing more damage than they were suppose to at low hp. I had some exceedingly-high damage weapons from the warhammer mod struggle to bring them down.

          Thanks again for your hard-work!

            Kroom If i can find them, i might try making the two steltek parts Buildable, Dont worry, if anyone else wants to see them work they gotta do it emselves

              5 days later

              what does the test docking pad do

                Bug with docking bay in version 0.15.5d.
                After attaching a ship to the docking bay the ship isnt able to take the attached ship with it to FTL.

                Roasted It's been that way scince the mod came out (for me atleast)

                  Brank Then why does it say it can in the description?

                    Roasted Since the crew update, the crew operating the landing pad leaves it when they need to charge the FTL, if that happens the landing mechanis will be disabled, can you check if that what is happening?. Also check that the cockpit is on top of the landing pad.

                      Fighter cockpits can't transfer power to FTL drive, or at least not to fighter scale FTL drives.

                      Also, that concern I raised way back about a lack of falloff in mass drivers that you discounted because long mass drivers had their fire rate limited by the ability to get batteries and bullets through just two doors? Well now you can use small cockpits to put power in from the sides. One about every ten tiles seems to pretty well match the maximum firerate.

                        Atarlost Fighter cockpits can't transfer power to FTL drive, or at least not to fighter scale FTL drives.

                        Yes, that's intended.

                        Atarlost Also, that concern I raised way back about a lack of falloff in mass drivers that you discounted because long mass drivers had their fire rate limited by the ability to get batteries and bullets through just two doors? Well now you can use small cockpits to put power in from the sides. One about every ten tiles seems to pretty well match the maximum firerate.

                        Oh, that's a bug, i will fix it for the next update, thanks.

                          11 days later

                          AI launches torpedoes outside torpedo range.

                          I've gone back to trying to make carriers work, and run into some technical issues.

                          1) It is possible to sling fighters by engaging the jump before the carrier finished charging its FTL. The fighters wind up in the next system while the carrier remains behind. This would allow a single pad carrier to project any number of fighters without having to make multiple ferrying trips.

                          Suggested solution: If fighters can inherit the charging status of the ship mounting the pad transporting them they wouldn't be able to jump before the carrier.

                          2) Fighers on the pad (test) cannot be selected without selecting the carrier, nor can components be selected without selecting the pad. Movement orders to the pad also get interpreted as follow orders. All of these appear to be consequences of the pad (test) mask encompassing the entire pad.

                          Speculative solution: I don't know if it's possible, but if the mask was hollow with only a half or quarter tile's width around the edges needed only for connections the pad would interfere far less.

                          3) The pad (test) cannot be overlapped with engine exclusion zones. This is unavoidable given its purpose, but makes putting engines on impure carriers more difficult. The easiest place to put landing pads on mixed use ships is at the back in the exclusion zones for the engines. The parts having the same name implies that if the test version works out the old version will be discontinued. I would urge you to not do that.

                          From a not-so technical standpoint, the cheapest pregen carrier is too expensive to have both it and a useful fighter the first time you have to make a jump. A more minimalist carrier with a fighter scale cockpit, reactor, and jump drive and no factories would be more useful.

                            ConnCraft Thanks, i will fix it for the next update.

                            Atarlost Suggested solution: If fighters can inherit the charging status of the ship mounting the pad transporting them they wouldn't be able to jump before the carrier.

                            I will try to do something like this for the next update.

                            Atarlost Speculative solution: I don't know if it's possible, but if the mask was hollow with only a half or quarter tile's width around the edges needed only for connections the pad would interfere far less.

                            Sadly it's not possible to do hollow parts that can also be attached to other parts.

                            Atarlost 3) The pad (test) cannot be overlapped with engine exclusion zones. This is unavoidable given its purpose, but makes putting engines on impure carriers more difficult. The easiest place to put landing pads on mixed use ships is at the back in the exclusion zones for the engines. The parts having the same name implies that if the test version works out the old version will be discontinued. I would urge you to not do that.

                            I'm not sure about this, i never liked that the thrusters could be placed over landing pads.

                            Atarlost From a not-so technical standpoint, the cheapest pregen carrier is too expensive to have both it and a useful fighter the first time you have to make a jump. A more minimalist carrier with a fighter scale cockpit, reactor, and jump drive and no factories would be more useful.

                            I'm thinking in adjusting the cost of the landing pad to 10k and the 1x1 FTL to 5k to make landing pad more useful.

                            Landing pads don't reload modded launchers, and they seem to just void ammo if there's no ship above.

                              ConnCraft Landing pad should reload any part that uses normal ammo or HE missile parts, can you tell me which modded launcher are you trying to load? Also there is no way to avoid the waste of ammo if there is no ship to load.