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jbox1 You could do a faction review series called Forumverse Diggin' IDK what could be a good name for it,so I just whipped this one up. Anyways, you could make it about looking through dead, abandoned, or just old factions, mods, ect. Then you could look through more recent events, or vice-versa.





I really like the visibilty option on the shield

is there a discord or this mod and does this mod work with 14.4. just another note but i may use this mod on my youtube channel sometime, if thats alright with you of course.

thewoodenlego This mod does work with 0.14.4 and I'm pretty sure you don't need permission from Kroom to use their mod in a video. I don't know about a discord but that would be cool.

    thewoodenlego There isn't a discord channel yet, maybe in the future if the community that use the mod grow... And yes you can use it in your youtube channel 🙂

      @Kroom I've been playing around with the mod for a bit, and I think it'd benefit from a small missile factory. It's very difficult to cram those big stock ones on fighters. 😛

        Gyrfalcon5 That's why i made the landing pad 😛, instead of a big factory of missiles you can have 3 torpedos or 9 missiles, My idea of bombers was that they carried a good amount of missiles and torpdedos to deal a ton of damage in 1 shot and then they have to reload.

        Kroom Oh I see! I haven't actually used it until now, but that is a novel mechanic! Now I just wish the AI would do it automatically. 😛

          This has been a joy to add to my Cosmoteer experience. I haven't quite jumped to using carriers yet, but the small guns have been a blast to play with. I think I'm about to explore the world of ridiculous OP-ness by blending this mod with one of the broadcast power mods in order to have walls of weapons.

          Kroom add a ship yard it works like the landing pad but looks like ship yard and its much larger

            Mycroftxxx I'm glad you like! The landing pad is laggy and buggy yet, but is fun to test with 1 or 2 ship.

            kola2134 i'm planing to add a bigger landing pad. A shipyard could be nice too, but i'm not sure yet how to repair destroyed parts.

            Damnit I still haven't tried it😭

              I just looked back on what the mod offered us and I noticed that one of your example fighters looked just like a viper from battlestar galactica.
              honestly that's pretty cool.
              but now for a question.
              when are you going to do a small fighter ion beam laser (or another type of one)?
              and if so will they fire in an arc?
              it would be cool to have some mini mass effect reapers floating around in space.

                solar-soup-bowl The ship library and Bounty Hunter mod has 7 ships form Battlestar Galactica,
                I will think about doing a " small fighter ion beam laser", problably with a limited arc.

                Kroom Yesssss

                  Kroom I second a 1-width Ion Beam. Give it 50% the damage and have it use 60% of the power of the vanilla part and I think it would be balanced. This would make a terrific axial weapon for fighters.

                  Any firing arc would be awesome, but if you add that, I would recommend lowering the part damage to roughly 30-40% of the vanilla Ion Beam to represent further reduction in beam-emitting hardware in favor of tracking hardware. This would allow for tracking by fighters on fly-by's and the construction of diagonal-axis fighter craft.

                  Additionally, if you want to really impress people, throwing in a reduced-damage full size Ion Beam turret with a limited firing arc would be a game-changer. This part, assuming it can turn up to 45 degrees, would allow for diagonal beam frigates.

                  Kroom not what i meant i mean it holds it its more for looks with the shipyard also maybe it could be somehow it makes repairs cheaper shrugs