Also the Hellbringer cannons was indeed from another mod, i forgot it was......whoops XD
Also the Hellbringer cannons was indeed from another mod, i forgot it was......whoops XD
I've been playing again fairly regularly, and I keep running into areas where there aren't quite any parts that function the way that I'm hoping they do. I normally tend to use the AbH 1x1 fusion reactor for small craft, but I would love to be able to get a 1X2 reactor with reasonable stats. Reasonable in this case being "1/3 the performance and storage of a vanilla 2X2 reactor" If the 1X1 Kroom Reactor's stats are already somewhere in that range, then midway between the 1X1 Kroom and the 2X2 Vanilla.
Other than that, your mod continues to redefine the low-tier game and is perfect for adding that little touch to mid-tier and larger craft. Vulcan Blasters are the perfect fighter-scale weapon to slap across the port and starboard sides of escorts and pocket battleships. They're great for occupying enemy shields if you have something else that can come in and break them.
Finally, RCS blocks. You, sir, are a monster and a genius. I'm able to make microfighters that can pace my big ships with nothing more than a single 1X2 Vector Thruster. My last game had me keeping microfighters around to pick at HP on larger ships until my secondary escort craft were being replaced with 500k-1M shield knockers and missile ships.
Currently, I am behaving and not making alpha-strike torpedo bombers and a teleporter-enabled station to feed them. I haven't done the battles yet, but I'm guessing that you can field 3-5 50K bomber craft and a single 100K tank (probably with a penetration weapon and anti-missile defense and little else) and wipe the floor with everything up to Tier 4. But, the temptation is there.
Your work is wonderful, as always.
hi Kroom, i wondered if you could do different colored type of thrusters?
a suggestion could you please create a roof mounted phaser and a large version one for Version 14.14c possibly
I've been having an issue where my ships won't go back onto the landing pad, is this a normal bug or am I doing it wrong?
Kroom turns out that was the problem, thanks!
BlackHole-Pine i said no offence for a reason. and i figured out how to use it so its cool either way
Kroom i figured it out... my bad.
i didnt mean any offence from that
how do I install thy mod
it looks fun to use
its my first time
I don't have google
I figured it out on my own
Kroom Heya. I was just wondering if there's a way to re-attach ships to the docking pad after they've left.