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why does the flak cannon have higher dps than the twin roof cannon?

do you have an update for 14.9?

    classic-capitan 14.8 works with 14.9

      dafeeeeeeeeeesh Because it has poor accuracy.

        so its accuracy weakens its damage per shot and fire rate?

          dafeeeeeeeeeesh As the flak cannon usually hits ships a bit far away from were the ship is positioned it loses a good amount of possible damage. The twin cannon is better for taking down single targets and the flak cannon is usualy best at hitting multiple targets.


              dafeeeeeeeeeesh Also the dps displayed in tooltip takes into account the burst damage of the flak cannon (4 shots every 1.8 seconds).

                10 days later

                Kroom Hmm, honestly my main concern is the Confusing placement of the shadow sprites, can never guess how to assemble them, the rest could use categorisation per shade instead of shape

                Decal categorization hasn't been added yet but has already been requested. The best way to do this is create a blank corridor/armor block and put the decals side by side so you see the difference. Then all you need do is copy and past. Tyaestysu

                  Tyaestysu You honestly just have to get used to it, once you get the handg of it it's easy to work with.

                  It seems that Bounty hunter ships and armor are broken. Thay cause error on startup. I really hope it will be fixed)

                    butcher699 if you are using the new 0.14.12_rc the bounty hunter mod will need a small change to the mod.txt file. look for the line with AddTo = "<modes/singleplayer/bounty/bounty.txt>/Bounties" and change it to AddTo = "<modes/bounty/bounty.txt>/Bounties"
                    The armor mod doesn't need any change, it should work correctly for this new version.

                      Kroom Thank you. It worked!
                      Your mod is the best, now I'll be able to fight with normal ships! In direct mode you mod is fantastic, I destroyed some vanila ships with it, exept for Mosquito, because the range of mod blasters is 100 meters, and the vanila one is 175 meters. Mosquito's tactics is to keep you on maximum range and shoot with blasters, so I was not able to fight it.

                      Now the game will be more interesting I suppose)))

                        butcher699 Yeah, i was thinking to increase the range of fighter weapons a bit as the vanilla laser range got an increase too. Btw you can add more thrusters to catch fast ships like that.

                          Ye, already done)))

                            But it would be better to disable or to decrease amount of vanila ships to the lowest amount, I think

                              kroom i would like to know if its ok if i use your whole mod in the makeing of a super mod im working on so i wus wundering if its o if i add parts of your mod into the "super mod"

                                lucifer2020 Only if is for your personal use and you are not going to release it.

                                  Kroom i wus going to make a bublic one but if you dont want me to use your mod in the bublic one i wont