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This is the ship im very proud of

My best is the Drifter - a $500k destroyer with extreme mobility, light firepower, and moderate shielding. It focuses on dodging incoming fire rather than absorbing it, and on delivering precise damage to critical areas.

I'm confident that it can beat 95% of ships in its price range with good piloting. It can also punch well above its weight. For example, it can beat most of the built-in vanguards. The only one it has trouble with is the Crescent Wrath. As long as the Drifter can outmaneuver the enemy, it can kill it, eventually. The scariest I've killed was some guy's $6m ship with 8 giant rails.

Alone, the Drifter is powerful, but as part of a fleet it serves as a quick-response escort for valuable ships and as a flanker to get behind enemies and disable them. Ignore the Drifter and it'll stab you in the back.

The main counter to the Drifter is mass missile fire. It can dodge any amount of missile fire indefinitely, but it can't dodge it all and attack at the same time. It's also vulnerable to ridiculous amounts of small laser/EB fire. Or to anything it doesn't see coming on its flanks; it takes a lot of micro, and a big mistake can mean instant death. For this reason it's best used in small-scale battles of less than $3m fielded, where your attention isn't divided between many ships.


ShadowCrafter I saw some hidden potential in your design. So, I basically took every part of your ship, and rearranged some stuff to improve it. Here is the cheaper and better version.

See it as a gift. 🙂

    I'm sorry, I use the interpreter because I cannot speak English.
    It became the following ship when I remodeled the ship called Terror of built-in ship.
    There are 70 missile components protected to armor.
    I thank the developer who made so interesting software.



    I'm really proud of this ship due to the sheer effort that went into it. Its back fins each have twin superlasers, the front has a massive railgun, and the entire ship is heavily shielded.

    2 months later

    Oneye It's a jpg, can't load it in. 🙁 Intentional?

    Wanted to see if that missile barge is detachable. It totally should be.

    the cube my best ship its more like a station but just the sheer size of it makes me like it it may crash my PC and its not able to move but it has overwhelming armor and firepower
    comparing with a space station
    its a big boy

      Well, my capital ships are my largest and most powerful creations, it's only fair that they all get featured.

      My Advancer Superdreadnought (and Starkiller variant.)

      My Federation Dreadnought (and carrier variant.)

      My Omega Gen. 1 Fleet Carrier (it has multiple variants.)

      My Rebel Superdreadnought (comes with 7 fighters!)

      My RMMF Grand Admiral's Yacht.
      And finally, the largest ship in pure dimensions...

      My Omega Gen. 2 Superdreadnought (with 300+ turbolasers!)

      My Federation Dreadnought, Rebel Superdreadnought and RMMF Grand Admiral's Yacht are all vanilla.

      Glad this got necroposted, I've gotten a lot better since my last post here.

      The Catfish

      XHC-019 Baltimore

      Morsam-pattern Seraph class Interceptor

      This is my latest. My fleet really needed a standard 1m cruiser. I've never built a cannon wall, so I learned from how Cosmopyr and Saris do theirs. It's not actually 100% finished yet; the two HE missile launchers are placeholders for when EMPs come out, and I might end up adding more PD and replacing a couple cannons with flak turrets.


      Cosmopyr Glad this got necroposted, I've gotten a lot better since my last post here.

      Nice. Your new cannon wall is a lot more compact and neat, with more comprehensive shielding for the turret clusters.

      Why have you decided to decompartmentalize? Will those corridors not lead to crew wasting time walking long distances? Of course that will be fixed in 0.14.5 with the new crew behaviors.

      I also want to point out something that I think would benefit you: if you place your lateral thrusters closer to the center of mass (move them forward about 6 tiles) you can get much more lateral velocity.

      Tobi-wan_Kenobi Why have you decided to decompartmentalize? Will those corridors not lead to crew wasting time walking long distances? Of course that will be fixed in 0.14.5 with the new crew behaviors.

      Connecting compartments can help modules share energy and increase energy supply by sharing reactors. It doesn't work the best, but well enough to have some advantages. It's become pretty popular recently and I thought it wouldn't hurt to try.

      Tobi-wan_Kenobi I also want to point out something that I think would benefit you: if you place your lateral thrusters closer to the center of mass (move them forward about 6 tiles) you can get much more lateral velocity.

      I am aware, I mostly place my engines on a back "rack" to give myself more flexibility when developing the actual cannon modules. I have a new cannon wall I've been developing with Saris that has the thrust layout of the Nautilus with the cannon modules of my the Catfish.

        Cosmopyr thrust layout of the Nautilus

        Does anyone have a download of the Nautilus, or had Saris not provided it? I would ask him, but I don't see him on the discord and I don't want to necro either of his two discussions. I'd really like to get a closer look.

          Jesus3747 Which mod(s)?

            The ship I'm most proud of?

            Unlike the ships of many others, it is actually a vanilla ship, though it utilizes the huge ships mod.


            this is the supremacy. Coming built in with 2 star destroyers, it is an absolute beast.

              MORE THRUST (srry for necropost)

                slowking nah i think 4 days are fine~

                  not the most proud...but still happy with it