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I just want to know why the railgun range is broke, when I build a longer railgun the range gets exceedingly small.
when using a mod that extends my build limit, the range is nill when I reach the top and the bottom ends of the grid, I think that with the less accelerators you have the less range you get, or you can add range buffs for the railguns.

if there are any mods that remedy this can you let me know

EverKnoxx I have noticed the same, first making a railgun longer will increase range, but after a while the range will not grow anymore and you will run out of range once the railgun is too long. The only remedy is making the railgun shorter, or hoping that Walt will change the code.

    EverKnoxx It is because the Railgun Range is based on where the Railgun starts, it makes i annoying but it also makes it fair because otherwise the gun becomes a ultimate super weapon that could rip through everything and would make it OP (although it would be amazing)

      Inkless It is because the Railgun Range is based on where the Railgun starts

      I'm not sure why people keep saying this, it's absolutely not true, the range starts from the tip of the railgun. If a really long railgun has a shorter range as measured from its tip than a shorter railgun then that's some sort of physics bug. Please post a ship file so I can check it out.

      • Edited


      I quickly made this as example, making it even longer further increases the effect.

      Put it in a fight (using battle helper) against this ugly test-ship:

      You will notice the first railgun shot to not reach the test ship.

        Yes, the shot would have missed, but it should not stop here.

          Walt idk, maybe if it gets too long the Railgun doesn't seem to understand, maybe its the velocity being so high it thinks its out of the gun before it actually is?

          idk, but if my memory serves me right, was/is there a mod which increases weapon range utilising the radar room...or is that just me


          But how do you explain this using autofire?


          Small rail test here:


          Something is clearly wrong here.

            EverKnoxx there is

            Inkless Maybe it is the speed indeed.

              kieffer5101 i was right...what is the mod o' kind sir

                Alpha YAAAAAAASSSS........thankyou

                  Walt also thanks for sparing your free time for little old me walt....really apreciate it

                    aannnd ship i used for my conculsion that i need a bigger range and a bigger gun
                    i call it the mother of all guns...the daddy is bigger and has 5 rails...ooohhhh fancy.........havent built it yet

                      EverKnoxx Can you change the tag of this to 'tech support (no mods)', it will be much clearer that this is probably a bug.

                      5 days later

                      Can someone confirm this is a bug?

                        Alpha will do my good sir

                        EverKnoxx changed the title to tech support (no mods).