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If you hadn't already heard, the 0.14.2 update for Cosmoteer has some of new modding improvements that, unfortunately, will also break all existing mods that add new weapons to the game.

The Mod Upgrader for 0.14.0 proved to be pretty successful, so I've made a new upgrader, this time for 0.14.2. This is a little program that you can download and run and it will try its best to upgrade a mod from 0.14.1 to 0.14.2. It's not perfect -- there are some situations in which it won't be able to upgrade something, will produce the wrong result, or perhaps even crash -- but for most mods I think it should do about 95% of the work required to upgrade a mod for 0.14.2.

I've tested the upgrader on Akinata, Bloodcult, Drones++, Abh, and SW:ACD. All seem to load fine without crashing after being upgraded, though I did not exhaustively test every feature of every mod, so it's likely there are still some issues. (Note: Although I did test these mods, I will not be distributing the actual upgraded mod files -- I will leave that to the mod authors.)

Note: This upgrader only works with mods that are already upgraded to 0.14.0 or 0.14.1. It will not work with mods that aren't yet compatible with those game versions, so you'll need to use the 0.14.0 upgrader on it first.

If you would like to use the Mod Upgrader on your mod, follow these steps:

  1. Backup your mod! The Mod Upgrader makes its own copy of a mod when upgrading it in case something goes wrong, but you can never be too safe, so I highly advise you backup your mod before using the upgrader.

  2. Download and install the 0.14.2 version of Cosmoteer.

  3. Download and extract it to somewhere on your computer. (Do not extract it to your Cosmoteer install folder.)

  4. Run the CosmoteerModUpgrader.exe program! You will first be asked to enter the path of Cosmoteer's installation folder. (That's usually C:\Program Files\Cosmoteer.) You can either type in the path manually, or (tip!) you can simply click-and-drag the folder straight into the command window to copy the folder path to it. Press enter to confirm the path.

  5. You will next be asked to enter the path of the mod you want to upgrade. (Again, you can simply click-and-drag the folder into the command window.)

  6. The upgrader will then make a copy of your mod by adding a _upgraded after its folder name. (So if your mod's folder is MyAwesomeMod, the upgrader will make a copy of it in a folder right next to it called MyAwesomeMod_upgraded) WARNING: If there is already a folder of that name, it will be deleted and replaced with a new copy!

  7. The mod upgrader will now attempt to upgrade the mod! Depending on the size of your mod, this will take between a few seconds to a few minutes, and you should see a bunch of text whizzing by as it upgrades. With any luck, it will finish without crashing.

  8. If the upgrade completes successfully, you should now test your mod to make sure it loads and works properly in 0.14.2. Move it into your Mods folder (if it's not already there), turn it on, and restart the game. (You may want to also temporarily remove the old version of the mod, just to be 100% sure that you're testing the upgraded version.) Test your mod for any crashes during loading or gameplay or other issues. If something isn't working, please post here describing the problem and providing a link to download your mod so that I can look into fixing the upgrader.

  9. You may have some additional things you need to fix by hand, but hopefully not too many if the upgrader has done its job. Note that the upgrader sometimes produces code that, while it might work just fine, can be pretty ugly and non-ideal, which you may want to clean up. (You may want to use a tool like WinMerge to see what was changed.)

Hopefully this tool will make upgrading existing mods for 0.14.2 much easier. Again, if something's not working right or it screws up an upgrade, please let me know! (And post a link to your mod so I can test it.)

Walt stickied the discussion.

    Thanks so much Walt! This will make it so much easier to fix my mod up 😃

      Walt Gah, I already fixed mah mods!

      And I was hoping I could use this as an excuse not to upgrade drones ++...

      bugger XD

        Walt Drones++


        What about the more modern Automation ++?

        (Eh, auto ++ actually uses nearly no bullet emitters (I'm completely weapon free!) so it doesn't matter anyway XD)

          Walt Not again! Walt cmon bro! Why u do dis!

            Gotta upgrade 3 mods now 🙁

              The program does not work for me. He says that all filles are updated, but if I look at them they are not.

                changerboy The program does not work for me. He says that all filles are updated, but if I look at them they are not.

                Are you looking in the correct folder? It makes a copy of the mod folder and adds _upgraded to the end.

                Walt Will u do this in the future again?

                  Walt Are you looking in the correct folder? It makes a copy of the mod folder and adds _upgraded to the end.

                  Yes, I thought that at the beginning but unfortunately not.

                  If I want the mod shop this error comes:
                  Changerboy.Experimental_Ships.v0.3.1_upgraded: Multiple conflicting mod IDs: Changerboy.ex_ship
                  The conflicting mod has not been loaded.

                  Can it possibly be because I try to update him from v14.1 to v14.2_RC2?

                  changerboy You may need to remove the old non-upgraded mod from the Mods folder.

                  Walt Walt, why cant you just make a universal mod upgrade... now when someone wants to make a mod they need to upgrade it 2 times... just make a program that instead can just upgrade it to work whit the latest version+be able to change the program itself in the future so instead of doing more of em, use the same one...

                    Walt Dose the upgrader work with the full relies?

                      Jared Dose the upgrader work with the full relies?

                      It should, yes.

                      welp, gotta wait for the mods to upgrade

                        might as well post my faction

                          Walt Unfortunately that does not make a difference. I have to do it by hand now.

                          Perhaps because of this error I get there in the end updates process:

                          COSMOTEER MOD UPGRADER

                          0.14.1 -> 0.14.2 (v2)

                          Enter the path of Cosmoteer's installation folder: "C:\Program Files\Cosmoteer"
                          Enter the the path of the folder containing your mod's mod.txt file: C:\Users\anton36\Desktop\Changerboy.Experimental_Ships.v0.3.1
                          Copying mod folder to 'C:\Users\anton36\Desktop\Changerboy.Experimental_Ships.v0.3.1_upgraded'...
                          Doing file path replacements in [Here are all the files]
                          Upgrading parts...
                          System.InvalidCastException: Das Objekt des Typs "Halfling.ObjectText.OTGroupedReferenceNode" kann nicht in Typ "Halfling.ObjectText.OTListNode" umgewandelt werden.
                          bei CosmoteerModUpgrader.Program.DoModActionUpgrades(OTFile modTxt)
                          bei CosmoteerModUpgrader.Program.UpgradeMod(String modFile)
                          bei CosmoteerModUpgrader.Program.SubMain(String[] args)
                          bei CosmoteerModUpgrader.Program.Main(String[] args)
                          Press any key to exit...

                            changerboy Ah yes, an error will definitely cause problems. If you give me a link to your mod, I can probably fix the error.

                            Walt SW:ACW