Massive Energy Spike (Ended)
Cautiously, three new Nuro-class destroyers jump in to examine the ship.
The EHR sends 1 mackerel drone.
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DarkPearl The United Galaxies is here if any of you need us. If anything goes wrong, we will send medical aid and supplies, but we will not involve in any fighting, as we are currently having ship designs submitted to us for our upcoming military fleets.
A Voidborn scout detachment arrives to investigate.
DarkPearl Reflex-Jacket redirects a Large Scout squadron to investigate.
Your ships cannot get a good scan, as the energy emanating from a glowing reactor on the outside of the ship.
On the outside?
The scout detachment sends a few probes to get close range detailed scans of the reactor, and anything it it connected to, using the Voidborn's highly advanced sensors.
Undated_Abyss The sensors detect a small device inside the reactor, but befor you could scan it, the reactor start emanating a stronger glow.
jbox1 The reactor is surrounded by shields, the shots are deflected.
The Voidborn try to find a way to detach the reactor from the ship or power down the reactor without causing damage.
Undated_Abyss The Reactor is being hold by shields and force fields. The best way to detach the reactor is putting the ship shields down without damaging the reactor.
A Strike team prepares to board the main ship, they are fully tooled up (you can never be too careful) and have science equipment with them for interacting with the ship's systems.
They scan for possible entry points.
(Note that they also have breaching charges so they would scan for viable places to use those to gain artificial entry as well as entry points that are already available.)
The ship has no entry points, no damage marks, indicating that the ship is being used as a bomb.
The team decide boarding that ship is obviously a very bad idea
They try to disable the ships shields by using EMP devices, and scan for the explosive payload of this bomb ship.
The Emp bombs drain the shields, but the reactor is still active. The energy os building up faster now, its already with the energy of 700 Neutron stars.
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Shields are down so they remove the reactor with tractor beams and hold it in place, then try to figure out a way to deactivate it.
Due to the high energy the ships form up around it(close enough for high power scanner but not so close it affects their systems), and precharge their FTL in case of emergency.
The Reactor energy grows, apparently too much. The reactor is reaching critical and getting close to a overload. There seems to be no safe way to stop the overload, but maybe its possible to stop the explosion, althrough its already way over a supernova.po