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All factions have detected a energy spike of unknown origin. The spike seems to come from the sector 619. The Energy is increasing on a very fast rate.

DarkPearl What type of energy? Are there any immediate effects from this spike yet?

jbox1 No, but the spike energy grow every hour. Right now the enrgy seems bigger than the energy of a star... in supernova!

    DarkPearl A Drone is sent to investigate (courtisy: The Lost Drones)

    jbox1 The drone scans indicates its coming from a planet in the Koret system. Upon entering the system, the drone finds a ship on drift, it seems to be the source of the energy.

    DarkPearl Run scans for what type of energy, the interior of the ship, and whatever else can be found.

    DarkPearl crimson alliance sends two berserkers and one killerbee to investigate the power source

    A Crigonean scout is sent to the area, spots the ship, scans it, and calls for larger ships to come.

    (Gtg. 'Night.)

    DarkPearl Drake sends a bladed shell to investigate


    Cautiously, three new Nuro-class destroyers jump in to examine the ship.


    The EHR sends 1 mackerel drone.


    DarkPearl The United Galaxies is here if any of you need us. If anything goes wrong, we will send medical aid and supplies, but we will not involve in any fighting, as we are currently having ship designs submitted to us for our upcoming military fleets.

      A Voidborn scout detachment arrives to investigate.

      DarkPearl Reflex-Jacket redirects a Large Scout squadron to investigate.

      On the outside?
      The scout detachment sends a few probes to get close range detailed scans of the reactor, and anything it it connected to, using the Voidborn's highly advanced sensors.

      DarkPearl shoot the mother f’n reactor!

      a wormhole appears near the spike and few(6) small ships come out of it


      Shotly after, they start flying around the spike at a very close distances

      Undated_Abyss The sensors detect a small device inside the reactor, but befor you could scan it, the reactor start emanating a stronger glow.

      jbox1 The reactor is surrounded by shields, the shots are deflected.

      The Voidborn try to find a way to detach the reactor from the ship or power down the reactor without causing damage.