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Ultranova changed the title to Galactic Civil War 0.7.1 (Now with the Super Cannon!) (Compatible with 0.14.9).


    chief_chaman478 what about turreting all of your weapons (seriously though the electrobolt and machine guns coould be nice if they were bigger

    Ultranova - Added R-UPA and Rebel Heavy Roof Machine-gun Turrets

    thank you 🙂


      Ultranova I already have the MOD how do I update?

        Ultranova Your link for the 0.7.1 update is broken.

        Where the variate of the R-UPA destroyer canon?

          Has only the rebel

            Emperor He only added the Rebel Destroyer Cannon, or does the changelog say anything about a R-UPA Destroyer Cannon?

            Ultranova - Added the Rebel Destroyer Cannon

            CursedPh4nt0m I didn't see it

              LeftHandofGod Not for me, works perfectly fine.

              CursedPh4nt0m Emperor

              There is NO R-UPA Destroyer cannon. It's an exclusive weapon to the Rebels only.

              Ultranova okay

                Emperor Fun fact though: The Beam Cannon is technically an exclusive weapon to the R-UPA, but I don't call it the R-UPA Beam Cannon because the Rebels sometimes use them. Though if you guys want me to call it the R-UPA Beam Cannon, I'm open to changing the name.

                  Ultranova Leave it the way this .Unless you want to make a rebel variant

                  feels a bit underpowered seeing as a two piece railgun does more dameage for much less space, price and protection

                  chief_chaman478 Well, it's roof mounted, so it can't be too powerful. Might give it a small buff when I've sorted out some new particle effects and implemented the new stuff for the Command Bridges, which automatically nerfs all big weapons.

                    so here is the rebel Sirdar a ship i made to use the new cannon, but the side cannons seem to be prone to exploding


                    unrelated to the cannon but heres a new fighter i made aswell: the rebel Raglan


                    Catelyn I use a lot but this only happened when I tried to install the first version with the second. they merged and now I can't uninstall either of them

                      What happens to ships that already have big guns but not the command bridge requires to use them?

                        Tellitubbi You'll need to place the command bridge. The weapons won't be removed, but they won't work.

                          I see, that’s going to be a mammoth task to code though? Also, are you going to make larger roof mounted electro bolts