Ready to be destroyed by the Rebel Destroyer Cannon?
ABANDONED MOD (no download links)
I already arranged this in the morning.
Ultranova i thought rebel turrets were square? (pls all my ships are rebel and it will just look wierd)
- Edited
chief_chaman478 It honestly looks more like something from the R-UPA, guess he could've mixed up the picture or name....
chief_chaman478 CursedPh4nt0m Circular turrets work better for cannons. No, I did not mix the R-UPA and the Rebels up.
chief_chaman478 what about turreting all of your weapons (seriously though the electrobolt and machine guns coould be nice if they were bigger
Ultranova - Added R-UPA and Rebel Heavy Roof Machine-gun Turrets
thank you
Ultranova Your link for the 0.7.1 update is broken.
Where the variate of the R-UPA destroyer canon?
Has only the rebel
CursedPh4nt0m I didn't see it
LeftHandofGod Not for me, works perfectly fine.
There is NO R-UPA Destroyer cannon. It's an exclusive weapon to the Rebels only.
feels a bit underpowered seeing as a two piece railgun does more dameage for much less space, price and protection