Vice Admiral Tharix
"You see, it is a delicate object, an object, that, in the past, held great power, but now it sits here, broken, shattered. If disturbed too much, it could become slightly dangerous, and I would rather it not come to that, therefor, landing, and gifting it that way would be the most stable and safest option." He paused. "As for the other offering..." He spoke, pausing momentarily. "Would be this." Suddenly a ship warps in behind him. It looks like a tie fighter, however, it appears to be made completely out of silver. "This is a T.I.E. fighter who's body is made from pure silver, and the wings reinforced with an osmium-silver alloy. I was going to give you 500000 credits... but half of that went into this. It is capable of battling, although it wouldn't last long. Its mainly a symbol of hope and peace."
The Second Tau Empire
hmm, alright, go to the Jarls Hope station in sector 4-B
ill meet you there.
His fleet, Echo Drives out, the Three police ships move in to escort you.
Vice Admiral Tharix
The two ships fallow the three police ships, and slowly make their way towards the station.
The station, is a huge, rotating cylynder, with a gravity ring, and some cargo racks behind it
each easily would be many, many times the size of a SD in its own right
The two Ties move through a small mailslot, and enter the main docking area
Huge landing pads strech for miles, and some ships land, and take off whilst they wait for docking.
Quickly, they are told to dock at landing pad A-12
and a hologram shows what landing pad that is, with huge numbers floating above it.
Once landed, Akio is already there to greet them
"Hello! Welcome to Jarls Hope!"
(The TATC do not have an echo-drive however would most likely be able to traverse...I´ll call it Echo-space for now, by other means.)
(Another point you might want to add in the faction description might be important characters and maybe a brief description of them though that is all optional.)
(Note 3: I should probably make a thread about the Kin-race (TMD, TATC and possibly others later) and some minor information about them.)
...the TATC ships keep following the patrol and pass the field, for a brief moment a ftl-ping is detected apparently mapping the ftl-beacon Network...
Vice Admiral Tharix
He steps out of the ship, hands behind his back, weaponless. Three Stormtroopers fallow shortly after, also weaponless, however, they seem uncomfortable, as if they were use to always holding a gun of some sort. Tharix approaches Akio, and then states "It's good to be landed, especially since this is such a delicate object." He extends his hand, and offers a broken red crystal, split roughly in two. "This... This is a Kyber crystal."
(oh god noooo dont use Echo space, Anhysbys will be A N G E R Y XD Jk
and yes, ill add important characters soon.)
The TACT ships, expirience the same hull impacts
but regardless, are now past the field, and can use FTL
the STE do not worry about them mapping FTL beacons, they scramble their
frequencies often anyway.
"Intresting, im sure it could be usefull..
or just a nice decoration... anyway
im much needed elsewhere, so this will have to be quick"
Vice Admiral Tharix
He was about to open his mouth to speak, when a Stormtrooper tapped him on the shoulder. "Erm, sir? We have to get back to TIE space. Now." Tharix began to say "DONT YOU GIVE ME ORDERS!" But was cut off halfway when he received a message through a handheld transmitter. The message was fuzzy, and broken. "TH-RIX! GET -ACK TO TIE SP-CE! H-RRY! WE ARE LEAV--G THE G-LA-Y AND E----THI-G IS EXPL..." It got cut off.
Darth Martyrus
Vice Admiral Tharix
"WHAT?" Yelled he. "Akio, please, let me enter hyperspace. This could be incredibly bad. I need to get back now"
Vice Admiral Tharix
Suddenly the Stormtroopers run to the ship, and the mouse droid runs out. A large bag of Tharix's belongings was thrown out, and the doors began to close. "W-WHAT!? STOP! DONT YOU DAMN DARE LEAVE!" It was too late. They undocked, and began leaving the facility.
oh god... what did we do!
wait... thats not us... oh ok then! ill let you go!
good luck in whatever that is!
Suddenly the ship Jumps into hyperspace. Leaving STE in the dust...
the large speakers blared loudly:
but, alas, it was too late
moments later, the Tie fighter is pulled out of hyperspace by an unknown entity
pulling a solar panel off in the process...
Vice Admiral Tharix
"NO! NOOO! NOOOOOOOOO!" He yelled. "There is NO way that I can get back to TIE space in time! GOD F@#&ING DAMMIT!" The mighty Vice Admiral... was defeated. He collapsed onto his knees. He was devastated. The great leader of an even greater fleet... had a single tear roll down his cheek.
Akio turns to Tharix stunned:
"oh my... well... i really dont know what to say
i hope those &%$ rot for that!
They... they! actually betrayed you!
thats wrong! that is F&$ing awful...
god.. im sorry Tharix, that is awful
well... i suppose the least i could do is offer you refuge while this is sorted out,
im sure the locals wont mind!
come with me, i own a Estate here, we can sort this out over a cup of tea."
He just sat there. Stunned. Horrified. Disturbed. He couldn't move. He had just lost everything he had worked so hard for. His entire life's work, gone. All he had was the clothes on his back and the bag of things the troopers threw out of the ship. He started to sway back and forth. He was dizzy, light headed. 'This couldn't be real... right?' He thought to himself. 'This HAS to be a nightmare... right?!' He felt like he himself had just betrayed Thrawn... And thus, he fainted.
Akio stood silent for a moment, and then realised what just happened.
If he was honest, he couldn't possibly think why he thought he would be ok with this situation
But regardless, he continued to take him to his estate in the gravity ring, this time, on a stretcher instead.
He sat up with a jolt. "NO!" he yelled. He realized he was in a strange place, but didn't know where. His mouse droid was zooming around, going crazy without him. "Phil?" His bag of belongings sat next to him. The droid spun to look at him, and spun around in joy, proceeding to accidentally SLAM into a wall. He realized what just happened was, in fact, not a nightmare, but reality.
Looking around the room, Tharix clearly saw he was in a bedroom of sorts.
In fact, it was very old fashioned, with large black wooden beams holding up the roof.
The only other things of note in the room, was a large window behind him
From which, almost natural seeming light spilled through.
A large dresser near the door, which too was old and made of presumably wood.
And if course, the bed he was sat in had a large headboard, although padded with cloth, and whatever he was lying on was rather comfortable, likely the final word in mattress based technology,
His belongings, sat comfortably next to the right hand side of the bed
In front of a rather small bedside table, upon which, a small lamp stood.
Before he could get up himself,
The door slowly crept open,
Stood within the doorframe was a single Tau.
She stood, for a moment, watching the mouse Droid keep almost bumping into things,
Before speaking.
"hello there, Tharix? I think Akio said your name was.
I'm Maya, Akio's partner.
Good to finally meet you, even if it isn't on the greatest of circumstances.
Are you feeling ok? Do you need me to get anything?
- Edited
“M-Maya is your name?” Spoke he. “Yes, I’m Vice Admir-“ he cut himself off, realizing that he wasn’t the great Vice Admiral anymore. “Yes, I’m Tharix.” He said, sounding depressed.