jbox1 interesting, what are your opinionz on currant galactic emergenciez? such as the starz going out.
Good Morning Cosmoteer! (interviews and weather reports!)
mystery_player Jake: I believe that a ripple in space time will occur ending the incident because it is OP at a cosmolord level. For some reason rappidly replicating drones that can’t be killed because of sheer numbers, and are immune to EMP are “not OP” according to the creator, which I believe is total..
What was I talking about again?
Hexapod Host: The starz going out.
Jake: What stars?
jbox1 um, moving on. what are you plans for the future? more stock? new ships? a big secret project that you are secretly working on?
mystery_player Jake: We plan to start work on BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP and... OH WAIT YOU WEREN’T SUPPOSED TO KNOW!
Eric (who has also attended) shakes a fist at the editor, who quickly censors the clip
jbox1 i guezz it'z a good thing we don't do thiz live. anything elze you wish to say?
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an editor wrights in his now to cut make it known Jake requested to cut out the section.
a w8r unit enters and offers beverages.
GoodMorningCosmoteer OH! yay honey!
mystery_player Jake: Yes, there is. BUY OUR PRODUCTS OR ELSE!
Jake waves a fist, before resuming his normal seating position.
Jake: I assume that is all we have time for?
GoodMorningCosmoteer @NaterzPotaterz Janitor
I laughed so hard when I saw this
GoodMorningCosmoteer -free alcohol! (oh boy...)
ANd this
GoodMorningCosmoteer -17L assorted alcohol
(I am not available, please try when I am not laughing)
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the w8r bot speaks.
yes, now, would you care for a few drinks?
added another interview
added more alchohol... we got a shipment of it... this is not gonna be good...
GoodMorningCosmoteer The Chancellor is always ready for his interview
- Edited
GoodMorningCosmoteer Twinky looks up from meterological reports and planetary Environmental statuses, tired and exhausted
O, dis gon be gud.......
we said no, but we can offer a drink.
GoodMorningCosmoteer and why? (I did not know)
well we can always get one of our other hosts to do it.
GoodMorningCosmoteer Jake: Gimme here!
Jake grabs a bottle and downs it in a gulp
Jake: Oh boy, this is good stuff!
jbox1 from down the hall and very faintly heard, slightly drunk
Twinky: cheers to that!!
complimentary of the manager!