IVIemories I think you might need a FAQ Lafiel, your mod is pretty complicated tbh
I'll do that with the wiki page. However, there's no way I can afford the time to spell out every single detail. Therefore, covering information on all individual parts is out the question. If the community craetes them then I could add my input but otherwise it would kill me.
SixtyToZero time interval events ; like planets respawning ships when the map is detected empty / a banking system where the remaining funds earns interest after a certain time; counter to this is a maintenance cost on ships [calculated per mass] after a time interval. Keep doing awesome things man.
Sorry, not possible.
SixtyToZero [btw i reduced the tracking_mine_shot acceleration to 1 (on my copy) because mines are mines not self-propelled missiles.]
This is space war. Stationary mines are useless unless they do have tracking abilities and stealth. Stealth is not available yet so their higher HP simulates it. This will be lowered as soon as stealth feature offers the ability sought after. If not then we are out of luck.
yobeefjerky honestly i dont like how there are 3 different control rooms for the first tier, its a bit, much.
This is because each represents a different group/faction/line or direction of technology. The lines get blurred as higher levels improve on perfections or the ideal, hence, the solutions approach each other. Therefore, higher levels don't have necessarily technological distinctions but rather based on artistic.
And it's not possible to section the UI any further. And I want to avoid cluttering it too much, too.