Sombreroman you got 3 Lucifers at your commend
The Great War
Casual_Owl I am Zorbrus, the head of the AquaLost council i want to thank you for allowing our militia to return home. We would also like to discuss a possible peace treaty.
Casual_Owl I'll see what I can do...
ZyerFire The K.o.L will attack it!
Amazing_Goob I will ask you this once are you sure?
ZyerFire It's just corridor...
Amazing_Goob It is a shadow of what it is, I didn't post the true version of it for a reason
ZyerFire never mind, it probably uses ABH...
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Amazing_Goob nope
BTW it is a living creature relatively harmless
Why would you attack a relatively harmless creature that has done nothing to provoke you?
Tickytickytango uuuuh... can it not be canon?
Amazing_Goob I just went back to my post and I forgot that I there was this in the post
ZyerFire Btw it is on the side of IMPERIUM OF SUNS just watching their next move
So that means to get to it you would have to get close to your enemies
(But maybe I should make it go on the side of the field where your guys are)?
ZyerFire just... just... never mind.
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Amazing_Goob sorry about that
@Sombreroman Interactive lore will be resurrected you could call this thread the intermission
/Transmission start/
The great leader Lucy requests an alliance with the great blood cult
If the alliance is instituted i will join you in the war
If we receive a counter offer from another faction we will consider all options
Farewell, Lucy
/Transmission end/
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Some Bouldron mining ships seem to have stumbled into Imperium of Suns territory while mining asteroids.
An Imperium of the Suns fleet engages the trespassers.
But it was a TRAP!!! The Bouldron had recently gotten ultra-powerful ion lasers that they used on their miners.
The Imperium of the Suns ships are destroyed.
The Bouldron lost one ship. The Imperium lost five.