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zergRush99 so far the only thing other than another creature from the Rift that could talk to it would be the eye

The Ritter is a creature from th the Rift and the Rift is a place that is between dimensions

But you can try to communicate to it telepathically

    ZyerFire well the blood cult uses telepathy to control thousands of people inside their bodys... So i think the big ships have the enough telepathy power to talk to it. What do you think?

    zergRush99 I guess, what do you have to say to it ?

      We are the Blood Cult, The Cult of the living ships. We are not hostail, we want to know who are you? and why are you here?

      Where would one find the ship file for the Sun Crusher Capital Ship?

      zergRush99 Your ships begin to receive a signal from the Rifter, it is sending a calm curious signal (Rifters can't do complex telepathy unlike the more developed Rift creatures) and it begins to glide around your ships curiously

      ZyerFire As you can see, we are simular in someway, We both live for survival. We would love if you will follow as and be defended by our fleet. And maybe one day you will help us. the Big capital ships send a calm signal.

      Tickytickytango I will upload it later in my faction

        zergRush99 We are grateful, friend.

          Badwolf66 YESSSSSSS Finally then the Carnivores will get to initiate their plan... A little more.

            zergRush99 Since you are helping us, We'll make sure we join in for the kill.

              ZyerFire (Speaking of which where are the voidians? They haven't been seen for so long...)

                ZyerFire THAT PAINT JOB IS MAJESTIC

                Sombreroman Why thank you, if you want to see more go to my faction page

                  One day, on a Supernova...
                  An officer is off-duty, and is playing Cosmoteer, a game that recently came out.
                  Then then he got a I-Mail (Imperium mail) that was titled: "The K.o.L have surrendered!"
                  he was really exited to get off this ship, so he opened it, and then his browser closed itself. Then his file maneger opened for no reason, and messages opened saying, "Are you sure you want to delete this?" And then the files deleted themselves. Luckily, it stopped after it deleted 5 or so files of junk. Since it was obvious that this was a virus, he opened his antivirus and clicked the option of "search and destroy". But then his antivirus deleted itself. then he open his browser again to search how to get rid of a virus. he tried every thing. he was so muffed that he went on the the Imperium of Suns website and I-mailed the tech supervisor. That was a mistake. The virus got on to every computer in the network of the Empire. That's the computer that controls the ships, the drones, the factories, EVERYTHING. The virus set the ships A.I. to barbarian, then to normal, so every Imperium ship was fighting all the other Imperium ships. within a few hours, the navy practically self destructed, and all that was left was a few heavily damaged Supernovas, which the virus set to "Self Destruct." but when the virus encountered the file of Project Sun Crusher, it sent it to the Fighters of Freedom.

                  Wanna surrender now?

                  Tickytickytango you can still do that . It actually was just the Core wold fleets that were destroyed.