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Equalizer It´s interesting to see someone with so much knowledge about modding (at least "much" from my point of view) didn´t make any bigger mods him/herself yet.

Drakador_Chaos I can modify or fix stuff (for instance I've patched the mods I am using to 0.13.2 which is why I know there's a code change need to make Drones++ work) but creating something from scratch (particularly images for animations) takes a long time. So unless I have an idea for something that is very different from what already has been done I doubt I will make a big mod.

RandomCommander Equalizer Drakador_Chaos Bugger, I need to get to work! Luckily finding the offending sprites shouldn't be too hard (I hope), and I can easily rescale them using

jbox1 changed the title to Drones ++ (BETA 0.5).
    • Edited

    Equalizer I can't seem to get past an error stating something about objects in the crew.txt file, any tips?

    here is the little bugger:

    Halfling.Serialization.DeserializeException: Deserialization from source "<C:\Program Files\Cosmoteer\Data\rules.txt>" failed. ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> Halfling.Serialization.DeserializeException: Deserialization from source "<C:\Program Files\Cosmoteer\Data\Crew\crew.txt>" failed. ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

      jbox1 That is from the changed ammo specification format.

      Try changing the specification for wifi in the mod.txt to the following,

      	Action = Add
      	AddTo = "<Ammo/ammo.txt>/Ammo"
      		ID = wifi
      		MaxCarried = 0
      			File = "./Data/Ammo/bullet.png"
      			Size = [1, 1]
      		CarriedSpriteOffset = [0, 0]

      Equalizer thunks!

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        0.5.1 0.5.1 ---THE UPDATE THAT FIXES THE LAST UPDATE--- 0.5.1 0.5.1

        Fixed a crash caused by Cosmoteer update 0.13.2
        As some of you may have noticed, Drones ++ will cause the game to crash when launching due to some changes during update 0.13.2. This update fixes all that, and so I have a reason to be typing this changelog. Aside from that, nothing has changed since 0.5.


        jbox1 changed the title to Drones ++ (BETA 0.5.1).
          5 days later

          I have a horrible idea!
          What if you make a drone receiver part to put on a drone that contains a person instead of having a person in each drone core?

            jbox1 wait, he uses AHH!
            OK, seriously, jbox1, why don't you use GIMP? It's like the best image editor ever! (and please don't tell me that in GIMP you can't colorpick transparent values, because I already know)
            In GIMP you can do so many more things than in Paint.NET, like gaussian blurs, motion blurs, drop shadows, etc.
            In GIMP you can colorize, and desaturate, and posterize, and pixelate... rambles on for fifteen hours every feature in GIMP and, you can use wheezes plugins!

            FireShredder24 Well, gimp can't do fine editing of specific pixels, can't use a pencil, can't color pick, can't do RGB editing and also you can't make effective 64 x 64 sprites.

            jbox1 Gimp wasn't bad for static sprites, but when it comes to animation that was a big pain in the butt.

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            Bubbet FireShredder24 that too; when it came to the 0.5 overhaul, virtually every sprite is now animated 😃

              jbox1 Actually, you can do all of those things. You apparently don't have any experience using the program. Every single sprite in my mod was made using GIMP(including animations).

              FireShredder24 Yes, but its a pain in the ass because you give up your feature of layers, because you animate.

              Bubbet FireShredder24 Layers.... are... the... BEST

              jbox1 Try Adobe Fireworks

              It's great for sprite animating, allows pixel by pixel editing, and layers WITH animation.

              Kodaskunk sigh but I am already using!

              jbox1 So... are you ever going to reply?