So you wanna be a scavenger? Even if you don't I won't hold it against yah. I ain't got noth'n I don't want yah to see. Huh? What's 'at? You don't know what a scavengers is? I'll tell yah then. A scavenger lives off what they can find, and builds with their hands, not with fancy blueprints or large hanger bays! If you find a dead ship that has parts on it, it's yours! Our main goal here though, is trade. If you can get through the front lines of a waring nation, carrying behind a flag saying "SO LONG SUCKAS!", then you might as well call yourself a scavenger. We don't care who you are or were you come from, You can join us and be a scavenger! Even if you don't join us, we don't care! If we see you stranded whilst a fleet of big scary ships come to getcha, We'll give a little! Now, I'll show you around if yah like.
Head of the scavengers: Chain
A wise man, Chain always looks at the bigger picture of things, and knows what he is doing.
Head of Development: Rust
Rust doesn’t talk much, he works in the background, keeping things on track. You rarely see him, but he enjoys things for what they are
Head of Communications: Tim
Tim is a nice kid, hes bright, inspired and fun to be with (even if he can be a little bit of an idiot sometimes)
Head of Engineering: Jack
Jack is the crazy old engineer, and thats according to the scavangers! Thats not to say he doesn’t know his stuff, it’s just that he drinks one to many space vodkas on the occasion...
Known Relationships
the Hunters of the Blood cult Drakador_Chaos (Political, Trade)
Time: Very Long, Stability: Good
The alliance with the Blood Cult started under political curcumstances, where a mining group were caught redhanded on a moon, fresh under bloodcult control. However, under a trade agreement, the Scavangers handed over a beetle MK 3 ship, and aided blood cult war efforts. they were good alies, and the scavangers gained the moon that had caused the issue in the first place. However, it was then found that the Blood cult are now allies of Domni-Nature, a known enemy of the scavangers, and as such the stability of the alliance had been strongly hit. Recently, new revelations, and a certain trade related to god killing devices, prompted an increase in stability with the blood cult.
Razains ZyerFire (Business, Supply, Trade)
Time: Very Long, Stability: Strong
The Razians alliance started when the Razains started a trade division, and thus hired a shadow trader to start work. Recently, the Razains have opened up the T.R.A.D.E Department, which has started renewed activity eith the Razains. When the “Eye” was upon us, the Scavangers teamed up with the Razains in an attempt to decode it. Now with frequent trading deals, the Razains are strong allies with the Scavangers.
Boulderons TheSketchyMoose (Business, Trade)
Time: Normal, Stability: Good
The Boulderons were allied quickly during a search for new trade partners, and now do frequent trading deals with ores and recourses.
The Republic of Alignment TheLastBeacon (Trade)
TIme: Short, Stability: Poor
Cross Mining Co. Sombreroman (business, mining)
Time: Normal, Stability: Good
Cross Mining Co. was allied in the search for more drills in the harvest, and so we sent the recourses, they mined it, its a happy relationship! That doesn’t mean they do all the work of course, we are perfectly capable of mining our own materials, but they just do a far better job of it!
B.U.G.S - zzakazz republic (trade, support, business) Tickytickytango
Time: normal, stability: great
The Bugs where allied due to their strong will to help others, and also their disire to become part of the galatic market. At their proposal to set up a market, the scavangers immediately began supporting their efforts, and defended them in combat. Now, frequent trading deals are done with the zzakazz republic.
Orion Mining Co. (mining, support) Jared
Time: very short, stability: poor
Domni Nature (conflict) @Sombreroman
Time: normal, stability: general distaste
The Domni Nature hold very opposing veiws to the scavangers. We belive that we should be conquering, working together and making ourselves richer and better. The Domni Nature belive that everything should revert to it’s natural state, a stable state without breakthroughs, conquering or gaining sweet, sweet moola. As such, we kinda hate them...
Apollo (Information) @moddedwarfare
Time: very short, stability: unknown
Apollo appeared to hold valuable information related to the cosmolord. As such, we have no idea what his intentions are.
Cosmolord (conflict) @moddedwarfare
Time: very short, stability: highly concerned
Cosmolord appears to be an infector with intent to take control of Scavanger space. Considering our weak military, the Scavangers are highly concerned about whether this could be the end of the Scavangers.
Current Jobs
see project pizza delivery for information about current jobs and also to order your own recourses
The scavengers have a foothold everywhere, they don’t “own” territory. They simply let themselves in and avoid making a fuss about it. Of course, there are the occasional times where they get noticed, but they are an important part of every faction: trade. You see, if any faction knew where it’s resources were going too or coming from, they would stop doing so all together. Therefore, trade would cease, and society would collapse. scavangers play there part in the galactic social structure, for the better or worse