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(Holy Goodness of Spode! Why do I love making factions?!)

Hello there, happy civilian! Do you like destroying asteroids? Fighting pirates? Smelling napalm in the morning?
(Legal licence to grill required. Napalm is dangerous. These ships were created for fighting the Voidians, Aka a space master race. Let's just say, You will probably die.) ( Voidians by @BlaZeyVoiD . Expect them to be mentioned now and again.)

Well... You're in luck! Whether you like fighting, hunting, mining, or bridge control, The Cross Mining Cooperation is for you! We mine asteroids so you don't have to! (You know... Unless you're working for us...) And, if you like the NEWEST in FTL technology, this is defiantly the job for you! And also, we have lasers. Lasers everywhere.

We'll show you what the two different job categories have to offer (Mining and Fighting), And then let you decide what you want to apply to. Oh yeah. We also have bridge control. But that's in a mining subcategory.

Well, Let's begin!

Fighting Cross Ships



Mass: 92.4 Tonnes
Crew: 16 Yelling People (Usual Crew Type)
Value: 90,700 Credits (Actually Cheap)

Do you Like the smell of napalm in the morning ? Well, We got something for you, Victory guy! One of our key "Competitors" are the Voidians, who like to "Take" our assets. We do not approve of asset "taking"! So, we got intel that their ships "Do Not Like" Fire. So we did the logical: Took one of the most controversial weapons in history, Shoved it into a steel shell, And fired it at a module. Surprisingly, It works pretty well! Now that... ...Smells like... Victory.



Mass: 160.2 Tonnes
Crew: 20 Worrywarts (Usual Crew Type)
Value: 137,725 Credits

This ship was first a mining vehicle! However, due to malfunctions with it's sister ship, the collector, these ships became scouts. So, if you like being expendable, this ship is for you! (We have higher wages on this thing, too! PLEASE JOIN WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF CREW!) (Guaranteed chance of expendability when in enemy territory. We come with life insurance.)



Mass: 285.8 Tonnes
Crew: 40 (Same Crew Type as N'palmer)
Value: 189,400 Credits

Drakes are basically big N'Palmers. but they can also create them from battle scrap, From the back of the ship. Basically, Drakes can single-handedly overwhelm a small enemy force. Perhaps what's more fun is just watching somebody without a fire extinguisher panic as fire consumes their ship outright because of the cannons. And hey, CHEAP heavy cannons?! That's a deal, unless you don't like loud noises.



Mass: 1275.6 Tonnes of PUNISHMENT.
Crew: 142 Crew members who know how to kill you with their bare hands
Value: 788,300 Credits- Not a lot for a ship so dangerous

"Captain? We detect some weird skull-like ships coming out of FTL speed!"
~ A Carnivore Bridge Crew Member

Fun facts! WE. HATE. PIRATES. On any mining ground, we make sure to have a surplus of scouts, mining ships (Herd Protection!), and ALWAYS a M.O.C. (Mobile Operations Center) So, what happens when the pirates do the near unthinkable and steal our hefty profits? Well, let's just say, if you used to be a hitman, soldier, or killer, This job is DEFINATELY the one you want. We like to rip pirate crews TO SHREDS with this ship. Between Burst-Fire volleys of missiles to longer-firing armaments, this ship will not leave survivors. We have all the FTL we need to wipe you off the face of the galaxy. DO NOT MESS WITH OUR CROSS MINING CO. GROUNDS! Put simply, these ships never come to make friends... Unless they're protecting the parameter during a board meeting... And such.

Cross Mining Ships

8X Anti-HFTL defensive structure "8XFTL"


Above: The 8X FTL Cube Formation, AKA the Nano Cube net.
Mass: 173.3 Tonnes (Ships) 170 Tonnes (Beam Weight Overall) 1,400 Tonnes (when active with others)
Crew: 48 Members (By itself) 384 Members (Active Formation)
Value: 214,800 Credits (By Itself) 1,718,400 Credits (Active Formation)

We all know about the Heavy FTL drive. Heck, you even have it on your ship, more than likely. It's just the FTL drive more equipped for big ships. What do we not want on our grounds (For the most part)? BIG pirate ships! Thus, our brand new, state-of-the-art defensive ship... The 8X Anti-HFTL defensive structure! These ships work in pairs of eight, creating a shield that blocks (And basically melts) ships that weigh over 275 tonnes! However, upon further damages and destruction, the 8X FTL fleet's shield weakens, slowly raising the maximum passerby weight. This is why the structure is so fast and maneuverable, to avoid damage and destruction. And we know quite well with our defence methods that a small ship nor a fleet of small ships can take all of our precious cargo.



Mass: 303.1 Tonnes
Crew: 34... Miners? (Average Crew)
Value: 270,550 Credits

They look like a horseshoe crab got stuck on a bucket, but trust me, our mining ships are amazing! They use their Ion beams to deconstruct and reconstruct asteroid material onto the bottom of the ship, which is like a laundry bin of sorts. Then, the rocks and minerals are warped onto one of our M.O. C.s for further processing! Surprisingly, a group of five has been shown to pick off a group of 10 Omega Class Carnivore Fighters, showing that the idea of herd immunity works quite well! This is also our second most popular ship to work on in our Cross Mining Co. Collection!

Codename: Miner Q


Mass: 781.6 Tonnes
Crew: 60 Members (No Average)
Value: 403,300 Credits

So, where do we go after a perfect-ish ship... Let's see... More efficiency... EUREKA! FOUR LASERS! And that was our entire board meeting about new ships. Although Miner Quad is still in it's testing phase, it's already viable for field work, as it's been well proven that the subsystems work. Although it doesn't work too well against small asteroids, it works well against THESE:


In our ranks, "Biggies" Like this are infamous due to how long they take to mine (FOREVER), but hey, "Forever" divided by 4 is still shorter than plain "Forever", Right? And although it's still in testing phase, we can guarantee that you will meet a very diverse group of people on these! AND, we have payment! So, what's stopping you from going away from little? GO BIG!

Mobile Operations Center

(In The Blue)
Mass: 1828.5 Tonnes
Crew: 368 Bridge Crew, Repair Crew, And Mechanics (Average Crew)
Value: 1,558,400

The one thing we defend at all costs! These M.O.C.s keep everything under control. Should they fall, the pirates will have a ton of rocks and minerals for free. And we don't like giving valuables away via being pirated, so we do the logical and defend them. They even have repair bays on either side of them (One in image is sideways, the diamond shaped armour hole is the top!), where the ships become repaired. Of course, miners are nightmares at going backwards, so they force the M.O.C. to move and cooperate when getting them out. This is tedious, so at least it has good things about it, like "Eating" enemy ships, and being able to cater to about every ship in our list!

So, as for our repertoire;
Pirates: A difficult, but rewarding target!
Companies who manufacture: Great source of metals and other material.
Rival mining companies: We think they are formidable rivals...
Battle fleets: Annoyances.
Nanovore Fleet: Meh. I mean we hate them, but at least we get resources for keeping them alive...
Non-Humans: Why are they using lasers on rocks again? Oh, okay.

We also offer some less mining related jobs too, so just give us a call!
1-900-52737-6-76257 at Goldsilk rock nebulae 1!
We hope you come around to work with us in the future! (Oh yeah we also have job sites, but you should call about those. Just ask which one is the nearest.)

8 days later
Sombreroman changed the title to Cross Mining Co. (Faction).

    /Transmission start/

    "We are running low on resources, admiral," the emperor of The Adonian Empire says, "we need to take more from another faction."
    "Which one, sir?" says the admiral.
    "I'm not sure. we need a faction that is rich but not necessarily powerful, one that isn't a governing body, but more of a company."
    "I think I have the perfect one then, si-
    A man runs in and says; "Someone is listening in on your conversation, sir!"
    The Emperor says angrily, "Then turn it off!"

    /Transmission end/


    Amazing_Goob Uh oh. Seems like they picked the perfect time to strike too, with a pretty big civil war happening in the galaxy. It seems like the Adonians might actually win. However, now Cross knows what's happening, so they are in preparation. However, Maybe they can run a diplomatic solution? After all, they like new clients....

    Solarwatch Thanks! It's a faction with a little more variety.

    there's some lore to add, along with peace negotiations with the mikreilians.

    But This Time, there Will Be No Mercy.

    Amazing_Goob Uh Oh. This will not go well. They may need to watch out for the punishers though! (And the 8XFTL A lot more XD)

    do you have Discord?

    Amazing_Goob Lol. All the Irony with this. Still, expect them to put up a fight- The mining ships are good at frying away, after all!

    Amazing_Goob so I see that you have decided to disregard my attempts to make you happy. You mistake the mikrelians for who we are. We are more powerful, smarter, and better than you can ever hope to be. I will continue with the peace talks, but I cannot assure you will have what you want at the end of them.

    Solarwatch Your not even allied! i just want some lore about a war!

    Sombreroman Or possibly two way. I dunno I was excited for a battle of these proportions. Lol.