Link doesn't work, also i hate the google drive.
Blood Cult mod v1.6(Killing grounds update)
Please fix the link thx
Umm it say 404, fix it
this mod looks cool, but the link is broken, can you fix the link?
- Edited
changed it, it works now.
zergRush99 awesome, thanks
Well well well, a blood cult mod, nice, very nice indeed...
dont take me wrong i get pretty upset when i dont see mods i wanted xd
but i can wait for the sc2 mod altough im very impatient
pls pls i want it
Blood for the blood god!
Im tring the waters... The starCraft mod is more complicated...
But i can give you a little preview... In an hour or so
zergRush99 good stuff, now ill be able to create custom SC2 units, cause im even worse at modding/mapping sc2, too much for me
also a shotgun like cannon/LAZOR could be good
And another question, will there be a ship library for the SC2 mod? i could build some, i dont expect anything for me as a payment/credit, it will be for the greater good
Im not saying that its done, i will show you what im working on....sorry
doesnt matter, as long as i can see the beauty of deez nuts uhh i mean deez kool sc2 parts, nothing else matters
work is in progress
also, can you make like a "red creep tumor" reskin for the crew quarters, cause that thing looks awful and i'd like a better one, also, why did no one ever think off a hidden quarters??????? like seriously wtf
looks nice btw
new gun!
it looks better in the game it self.
make sure to tell me if its to powerfull or not.
have fun