Why does this remind me of the flood from halo?...
Blood Cult mod v1.6(Killing grounds update)
zergRush99 Due, you should reskin the blood armor and blood corridor aswell as rename blood corridor to bloody corridor.
Deactivated-Account what is the problem with the skins?
- Edited
zergRush99 I made a ship... But since im bad at names and painting, ill leave it to you.
I also made another one.
And the last one i made (Actually got a name for it this time, its Blood Hound.)
Just kidding! Heres another one.
zergRush99 They're pretty basic... I mean just for the armor, i just realized that i kinda like the corridor. (Oh btw, im talking about the icons in the build menu.) The armor is litteraly just RED... Oh and another thing, the soul prison has the same description as the soul cage and the names of the soul prison, soul cage, soulcontrol and the med thrusters are in lower caps. Plus you should add a soul trap which is basicly a soul bed. And plz add blood stucture, shield, and small thruster.
Deactivated-Account the blood cult isnt using any shields. I will add some small stuff. After i will finish my second mod.
Can you add blood sensors? because it is ugly when you have to have a normal sensor and reactor on board.
TotallyNormalPerson yes no problem
zergRush99 Whats your second mod?
zergRush99 I made a new ship, its uncolored tho.
starcraft 2 test
zergRush99 Do i have permission to make an add-on for this mod?
you want to add your waepons to this mod?
zergRush99 no, i mostly wanna add defensive stuff
Deactivated-Account but dont worry, ill make it a seperate mod
zergRush99 Dude, can you make me a bloody shield texture? Im bad at painting. (Oh and yeah im making a blood shield.)
zergRush99 Im naming my mod Blood Revolution.
you would have to cradit my mod and stuff. and i dont think i have time to do the shield sorry.