Gatekeeper the doomsday weapons are from jbox?
Blood Cult mod v1.6(Killing grounds update)
Gatekeeper And what version of the game do you use?
I can't upload the mod, it takes too long. It's just the same one posted on this page.
Yes, the Doomsday Weapons are from Jbox.
I use 0.12.12 Cosmoteer. Was there an update?
Gatekeeper I dont know what is the problem, i checked your mods and they are fine....I have to look more in to it.
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zergRush99 im happy about that i generaly dont like the different facing barrels so thats good it just looks wierd and im a big fan of the mod realy love it keep up the good work
I love the mod, if only I could use it [triggered]
Deactivated-Account it actually looks like a dick
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here is one of my ships the first for my fleet the "Blood Drop"
here is a smaller one desinged to be weaker and spammable the "Blood Needle"
this is a fast and agile ship but generaly weaker the "Blood Speeder" (yes i know very original name)
this here is the "Blood Spike" it is supposed to be a first shot max damage kind of ship it has 2 ion beams wanted to doeye of doom sadly bad PC zerg if you could make a blood ion beam which does a littlemore damage and starts fires that would be greatly appreaciated
this is the "Blood Crusher" its the second biggest ship at half the size of the biggest
And Now finaly
The "Blood Breaker" the biggest ship stand alone its ok but with some blood crushers it can realy kick some a$$
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Minion222 I love the ships! My favorit is the blood crusher.
zergRush99 thanks realy means a lot althoug it didnt take long at all to make these ships the biggest one took 2-4 hours or so most of it was painting tbh and i had some older ships that i deleted they just didnt look that good and as you can see i also cared to make some "Back Fancying"
so the ships didnt look so flat and i needed to update all besides 2 for the update so they have blood ftls sadly with the diagnal ships its kinda wierd (the ftl) scince it has only 2 doors
i understand why it has only 2 btw cant wait to see those new upgraded cannons
Gatekeeper I can give you one suggestion. Redownload cosmoteer. And the mod. I dont know what is the problem.
Although I'm sure I won't die without it. Nice mod tho
Gatekeeper Im sorry
Enjoy the same as me