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_One faction didn't believe that it all just disappeared, they looked back at every piece of data around that area, it was clear no-sign they started to believe that it was "just the normal" when something else occurred they saw it, didn't believe it before half of everyone on that ship disappeared as well..._

I don't know if this is what you want people to say, but I'm just gonna say this to add to the story...

  • Dumb replied to this.

    Thump. Thump. Thump.
    The ship leaves warp, a modified light cruiser, a large radar dish replaced the upper main gun, a data collection and research vessel. It steamed into the border of the star system. This strange anomaly that seemed to appear and spread was of interest for research. Aboard the vessel the captain sat upon the commanding throne. Next to him stood another being, a female that seemed to be a scientist.
    "Helm, half flank speed."
    The command voice spoke out. The ship slowing after its warped exit. But continuing to move forward towards the strange area.
    "We should be approaching upon it now captain."
    The famine voice spoke from beside him. The interior lights of the vessel dimmed as a high alert was put in place. It inched forward with caution. The light cruiser 'Altana' was a modified type 8 light cruiser of the Imperium, a line of vessels that were of the 8th line of ships to join the light cruiser class that saw an increase in size and armorment along with reinforced hulls compared to earlier versions, while the ship itself is still years old. Modified with the central main lancer being replaced with a large sensor array, an internal munition store being replaced with a factory to produce equipment, And modified interior spaces usually reserved for a more combat oriented vessel converted to more amenities and research areas, along with self preservation systems of internal life support with food and water recycling areas and internal farms.

    • Dumb replied to this.
      • Edited

      A fleet of 3 Frigates, 4 destroyers and a Research ship jump in and slowly begin to make their way toward the anomaly.
      Captian “keep close and keep an eye on one another, if we end up losing comms with one another revert to light signals”
      Science Officer “All of our equipment is operational and and men are in place to begin reading whatever we may be picking up”
      The ships stand in a Flying V formation with the Research ship in the middle

      • Dumb replied to this.


        • mill replied to this.

          (making one post instead of replying separately cuz its the same stuff, but whether you two are near each other...that's up for yall to decide XD)
          As they advance towards the estimated perimeter of the ordeal, detection shows a cluster of objects ahead, sometimes approaching the fleet and sometimes receding. The distance between each object although remains everchanging as time progresses, they seem to maintain a strange correlation with those on the same longitude, forming wave patterns as if they are situated on a bubble of liquid. Detailed scans of these objects suggest they are simple metallic structures, with a small battery in the middle which remains inactive despite the movements. Other than the array of little "buoys", nothing else shows up regardless of detection methods.

          Dumb alr

            The ships slowly approach the anomaly remaining outside of the area of effect and deploy a small drone. The drone is equipped with standard equipment, on board clock, temperature sensors, on board cameras and other sensors, it’s attached by a long tether connected to the main Research vessel, the drone moves slowly as it creates a gravitational field around it to move.
            Science Officer : Drone deployed and moving towards the anomaly, all sensors are operational and live.

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              Meter by meter the drone advance, and so far nothing unusual is detected. But as soon as the drone fully crossed the perimeter of the buoys, the speed greatly decreases regardless of the engine output, the clock indicates that the time is still flowing as usual and other instruments' feedback remains constant, yet the visual received from the camera seems to be wobbly, almost like seeing through a semisolid...or perhaps liquid.

                Science Officer “Drone has penetrated the anomaly, equipment still functional…. Visuals seems to be showing ripples? Speed has also dropped, no amount of power seems to be speeding it up, it’s almost like it’s “swimming” in some sort of liquid or jell, what’s our next move sir?”
                Captian “Keep the drone as far into the anomaly as possible and let me know if it picks up any messages, keep an eye on the other sensors and keep me updated, see if you can find the system and find anything. Begin preparing for entry, we will keep the drone ahead of us to pick up any further changes as we approach the system, the rest of the fleet will keep an eye on our flanks to ensure there’s no hostiles setting this as a trap.”
                The fleet begins to enter into the anomaly and drop a marker before entering set to slowly move away from the anomaly, it broadcasts a message back to the capital with a messages notifying of there status and personal messages before entering.


                  Encounter rolls shall start if continue to advance

                  Slowly the ships enter the anomaly, with the drone dangling in front like an angler fish. Amazingly, shields seem to be able to counter the slowing effects of the anomaly, but in turn, the energy consumption of the shields became...quite demanding, almost as if it is under constant bombardment.
                  Another feature that they discover is that almost all transmission and detection method has been diminished to near unusable levels. The only thing that signals the drone is still in front of the fleet is the direct physical cord, but aside from that conventional radar simply shows nothing beyond 5 km. Fortunately...or at least, the visual and displacement sonar are still functioning as usual, as if they are really submerging into a large body of fluid.

                    Captain "Shields seem to be holding, make sure they don't crack, re-divert any power if necessary, keep thrusters and weapons up, hopefully pressures will remain the same. Are they any updates on incoming messages or further anomalies around the target system?"
                    Science Officer "Power from non-essentials have been re-directed to shields, all equipment still running, no further anomalies have been detected. Drone seems to be holding fine."
                    The ships continue their course further in, ships have re-directed spare power not being needed to shields not taking from reserves, the Research ship does have on board Anti-grav gens like the drone however has not power them up yet.


                      ??? if >=960, ??? if >720, ??? if <240

                      The buffer between the drone and the fleet slowly reduce due to the presence of the shield, but aside from that, nothing much remarkable...
                      Except, as they continue to venture forward, a school of fish-alike creatures briefly caught on the visual sensors, before disappearing. Perhaps, there are already creatures adapted to such a bizarre environment within such a short time?

                        Science Officer "Were those...... fish..... someone get a camera on them and see where there going."
                        Captain "Turn off all exterior lights and make sure all windows are covered, if there are lifeforms out there it would be in our best interests to see them before they see us"
                        the ships venture further in, keeping an eye on thermal sensors to see if any other life forms decide to approach them


                          ??? if >=860, ??? if >620, ??? if <240

                          You have found [???]!

                          The outside scenery remains the same dormant darkness once the lights are shut off, giving an oddly timeless feel if one isn't looking at the clock. But soon enough, an object is picked up on the displacement sonar, an object which doesn't seem to be moving, or perhaps, judging from its sheer size, isn't capable of moving. Anyhow, the object is just beyond the visual range, and with other detection methods remaining useless, it would be wise for some pre-emptive planning

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                            Captain "Hold positions, we have located a ship"

                            Science Officer "I suddenly don't like the feeling of this. should we try and communicate with it?"

                            Captain "Well either there friends, hostile, or the ship was abandoned, and seeing how this place is supposed to be a huge debris field according to open records ill put my credits on being debris. I think we should prepare a team to see if they can shuttle over, while we approach and get a visual on the ship, maybe we can find something useful out of it, hell maybe find out some information about what's going on."

                            Science Officer "And if there not friendly and open fire on us?"

                            Captain "Then there stuck here, if they fire on us we leave them for dead, simple as, if anyone on board needs help we will have a discussion on board to see what kind of assistance we can give up."

                            Science Officer "Very well, I wish to send one of my men over to get a closer look at everything"

                            Aboard one of the Destroyers a team is prepared, as they slowly approach they try to get any other readings that they can get before the ship comes into visual range. The lead Frigate sends a message

                            Incoming Transmission
                            This is Captain Abvi son of the Senla, Is anyone there? We heard news of this anomaly and ships going missing, we are here to help.
                            Transmission Ended


                              Encounter rolls halted

                              Soon enough, a gigantic metallic mass can be spotted, for some reason it is painted in the color black, but can be quite easily spotted due to the slight difference in terms of darkness of the surroundings. A moment of silence follows the transmission, long enough for the crew to start wondering if there really is no one in that object, then, a soft light appears on the center of the target pointing towards the direction of the fleet, and begin blinking.

                              ... .... .... .... --..-- / - .... . -.-- / .- .-. . / --- ..- - / - .... . .-. . --..-- / .--. .-. . -.-- .. -. --. / --- -. / - .... --- ... . / .-- .... --- / . -..- .--. --- ... . / - .... . -- ... . .-.. ...- . ... .-.-.- / -.-. --- -- . / .- -... --- .- .-. -.. --..-- / .-- . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / ... .... .- .-. . / -- --- .-. . / -.. . - .- .. .-.. / --- ..-. / .-- .... .- - / .-- . / . -..- .--. . .-. .. . -. -.-. . -..

                              After three repeating routines, the blinking stops, and the light disappeared, leaving the floating structure as lifeless as it was before.

                                Captain "they are allowing us to board and may be friendly we are sending the team over as soon as we get a response. They also say there's something out there and can hear us, clear coms and communicate via lights as standard issue from now on, just be very careful with it."
                                The ships go quiet and use a series of coloured flashings lights to communicate to one another.

                                ..- -. -.. . .-. ... - --- --- -.. .-.-.- / .-- . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / ... . -. -.. / .- / ... -- .- .-.. .-.. / - . .- -- / --- ...- . .-. .-.-.- / .-- .... . .-. . / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. / -.-- --- ..- / .-.. .. -.- . / - .... . -- / - --- / . -. - . .-. ..--..

                                  • Edited

                                  Another moment of silence, and a small, lit-up entrance opens up on the lower portion of the structure, leading to a hanger composed of assorted scrap pieces, large enough to house a small transport inside. Aside from that, there doesn't seem to be other lights, be it blinking or not

                                    A small shuttle is seen moving away from a destroyer and stopping by the science vessel before making its way to the marked landing zone. once landed the shuttle awaits further orders.

                                      • Edited

                                      The hanger door closed behind them, and slowly, the surroundings seem to slowly get increasingly brighter, as if a dark filter getting removed...or perhaps more suitably, "drained". Some residual can be spotted on the bottom surface for a brief second, looking like droplets of mass before disappearing into some crevices which probably is the drainage system.
                                      Suddenly, a booming voice filled the space, even audible from inside the space shuttle, coming from a rather bad quality mic it seems judging from the raspiness of the sound.
                                      "Heyo, welcome to the least that's what we call ourselves...what are you, and where do you come from?"
                                      "What are you"...such a weird question to be asking a complete stranger...but perhaps it is related to what they had experienced so far?