[Event] Destinations of a new empire
(Question: how does the docking station look like? Is it like a small hangar, or an ISS style dock?)
boombox "yes, we will send the shuttle" The shuttle notices that its docking device has the wrong size. It scans the dock of the other ship, before leaving to the starbase and returning a few minutes later. Now it can dock. Out of it there go 3 persons. The first one wears a Uniform locking like he is a high ranking military leader. The other two behind him wear white lab coats. The pilot stays in the shuttle
They are greeted by a small number of soldiers with their rifles standing at attention, and two men in officer's uniform, with their hands behind their back. One seems to have the rank of a captain, the other of a lieutenant. The first thing to notice about them is that they are much larger than normal humans, standing at 2,50-2,70m height. Their uniforms are a dark blue with golden accentuations while the soldiers are wearing black.
The captain steps forwards to the uniformed man in the front, extending his hand for a handshake.
"Willkommen. .. er.
Welcome on zhe heavy cruiser Albert Obernstett. My name is Ulrich von Plauzhausen, and I am zhe captain of zhis vessel. It is a pleasure to meet you."
Here is how the starbase looks like:
The captain seems very confused and looks at Captain Septilimus.
"Stop you? Vhy would ve want zhat? And vhen did I say zhat?"
He questioningly looks at his lieutenant, who simply shrugs, then turns back to Septilimus.
"Ve vere simply passing zhe area and noticed some signals zhat had not been here zhe last time ve cartographed zhe area, so ve came to investigate. Ve are not here to stop you from building up an existence for yourselves."
boombox "Sorry, I misheard you. I overheard the "not". Anyways, it is always good to meet other humans. As you can see, our Starbase is nearly finished, only a few things on the inside need to be done. The weapons might seem intimidating, but dont worry, they are more of a way to defend ourselves. This is our arc ship. If our civilization faces doom, it will stand as a last hope. You may also noticed the smaller Starbase we are in the middle of constructing. This one will be a communications hub for everyone to join. We are planning on setting it up as a neutral ground to trade resources, ships and technologies with other factions."
The captain nods understandingly.
"No problem. You are right, it is nice, zhere are many dangers out zhere, human and alien alike. Be cautious on your travels. Do you need any resources to build up zhe rest of zhe communications hub? Ve might be able to get a freighter here within few days."
boombox "We got all the resources we need so far from asteroids around here. If you know anyway to make better armor, or other materials that would be useful, we would of course accept, but for now we only lack in crew members. On the hyperspace jump out of our small, isolated part of the galaxy, our 2 troop carrying ships got destroyed, so we only have some carrier crew left. Reinforcements are planned to come soon, and we still have to set up the whole electrics and smaller, more complex mechanisms, so every help is welcome."
"Ve could send over some workforce, yes. A construction ship sent off now vould arrive in two days, I'd wager.. Zhey could assist you in building up inner defenses as vell as zhe communications hub."
He takes out a tablet and starts typing on it..
"Vhen do you think your trade hub would be operational? Zhe Reich is always interested to establish new trade routes."
boombox "The trade hub could have its outer shell ready in a few days. The inner stuff would still need some time, depending on how many workers can do the electivity. Im sure you can understand, if we want to keep the inner security of out military base to us, but it would be great if you could help with the inner security and management of the trade station. But sadly, the trade hub wouldn't be of much use for us now, besides trading ships/ship designs, because we would need some sort of deep hyperspace drive to come around the barriers that keep ships from entering or leaving our boarders undamaged."
"You do not have a hyperspace drive?"
The captain looks confusedly at them, but nods slightly.
"I may be able to get in contact with some higher ups and channel over an older version of our hyperdrive systems, zhe newer one is protected under military law.. And yes, ve can surely help vith zhe trading hub."
boombox "Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding. We have hyperspace drive. But we only can enter Hyperspace on a surface level. At this level, big asteroids or dark matter concentrations, like around our system will rip you apart. So our ships will get out of Hyperspace instead of being destroyed, or would even be able to pass"
"Oh, okay. Understandable.. I dont think ve can help you with zhat, but if ve are able to, please give us a word, ve will try to assist you in clearing zhat route. Opening new trade partnerships is always a pleasure."
He smiles.
"Is zhere anything else to discuss? Maybe you should visit our nation sometime, ve could give you zhe blueprints of some technologies zhat may prove helpful to you."
boombox "Clearing out is hard. better Hyperdrives should work very well too. We cant get more ships and crew for the moment until out war back home is won, but I might have an interesting deal for you. The Starbase will build a new frigate, and this frigate would be operational in a day or two. We don't have enough crew to handle it alone, but if you could spare some, they could help on the new frigate and come back to your system with you. This could be a first step to a promising new friendship"
Captain Plauzhausen thinks for a few seconds, then nods slightly.
"Zhat does seem like an option vhich would be possible, since coincidentally ve have on board a number of trainee crewmen. Zhey vould be able to help you operate zhe frigate together vith a few experienced officers I vill also send over. Until zhe frigate is finished our cruiser vill stay here and stand guard to help protect zhe system, if zhat is acceptable to you."
boombox "Of course, that's fine. I should go now, there is a lot of bureaucracy waiting for me on my ship. The Frigate will dock right here once it is finished. Such a short flight shouldn't be a problem for a half manned ship. Till we meet again." Everyone gets ready to return to the shuttle