As the construction takes place, at the edge of their system, a lone FTL signature is registered, the size could be attributed to a cruiser.
The ship, using its sub-light engines to power its way towards the starbase, is now more closely discernable:
It is colored a dark grey with red and black accentuations, with large armaments covering the hull. There is a white Balkenkreuz painted on the side and the lettering "Deutsches Weltraumreich - Schwerer Kreuzer Albert Obernstett".
The cruiser sends off a transmission on open channels:
//Transmission: Open Code//
"Guten Tag, ve are zhe German Space Regime. Ve mean you no harm, zhis cruiser noticed some proceedings happening in zhe system, so ve went to investigate it. If you vould be so nice, could you tell us vho we seem to have stumbled upon here?"
//Transmission End//
The cruiser stops outside of weapons range, and awaits a reply.