The colonists were building the first houses, the people were hard working.
The infantery sorta let their guard down because well, if anything tried to land on the planet, they would be contacted by their vistors, right? But one of the soldiers didn't think so. He has a watchfull eye, he never lets his guard down.. or his cigarret. He thinks the others are foolish for thinking nothing can happen, what if wildlife attacks?
Most soldiers carry a few different guns because when the colony first created its security force, it just bought random guns from sellers. It was almost impossible to get everyone the same gun and for that matter, the same ammo. Thats why it's kinda running low. The most common tho is the PG-4 "Staka" a physical 7.62x39mm rifle, mostly no attachments except for the Officer of Security, he had a foregrip. Others just used laser pistols like the XK-12 "Swinger" and many other guns. And body armour? Well only the "heavy security forces (HSF)" had light armour. It counts as heavy for them though, the biggest threat they used to have was a few colonists gone rouge.
But now everyone counts on the HSF to protect them. One of the 5 remaining members is the soldier mentioned earlier.
Most call him "The Eye", but his regular name was Sen. Most see him as an some sort of officer aswell, but since there isn't really a hierarchy in the Security Forces (SF) except "Soldier" and "Officer of security", he officialy is just a soldier. People will still listen to him more than others tho.