KrankysFirebrand48 @Brank @kola2134
The German artillery crew of Artilleriekanone 5 were working as fast as they could, levers being swung around as giant mechanical winches and arms brought a new 10m shell into position behind the breech before a large metal rod pushed the shell inside and retracted.
The massive breech door closed and locked, and a shout travelled from the reloading deck to the commander of the gun:
The commander raised his hand, waiting for a light on his dashboard to turn green.. then his hand swung down as he shouted.. "FEUER!!"
The artillery piece fired again, rocking it backwards and propelling a new, massive shell towards the british lines.. And with it travelled a volley of another 7 shells.
Meanwhile, a sector away, inside the upper atmosphere of a gas giant, there the wolfpack lay in wait... and on the main bridge of the leading ship, a known face silently observes the raging battle just a few clicks away.. waiting.