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hey guys! we have this mod talk subsection, so better use it then not! (thanks walti ❤) I will post updates about the production of the mod here...everything from sprite work, to bug fixing, and balance changes.

more stuff will be posted here in general, like if we looking for members for our production team...which we are btw! so if you wonna join us you can ask me here.

Drakador chaos and me will answer every question you guys will have for me or him. if you have suggestion for us, or the mod in general here is the place to ask.
if you have problems with mod you can ask us as well!
so see you on the battlefield! emperors protects!
outside links:

As always, thanks for your hard work on the mod!

I have a very minor bug to report: the las turrets (not the normal las cannons) will often attempt to fire at targets outside their range.


If you look closely, the red beams from the las turrets do not reach the ship, but the crew still attempt to fire anyways. This does not seem to happen with the normal las cannons.

Thanks again!

Astrum huh interesting! Definitely going to patch that up, thanks 😄

A message from Drakdor chaos, about our progress on the mod.

Alot of minor issues have been fixed alongside the bug that kept crashing the game when ships were fighting, I did also look through the list and some experimental changes, ironically with all the modding and other stuff going on I rarely get to play the mod enough to make any significant tests about the actual balance, so the criticism is appreciated.
Amongst the changes were:
-Higher void shield hp and slightly lower big voidshield hp
-higher plasma lance shield damage
-slight increase to macro repeater range
-Increase to thruster force
-Sensor range increase for large bridge
-decreased power usage of factories
-Some other damage and tooltip changes (although I may still have overlooked some)
-some more things I have already forgotten at this point
I may bring out a testing version on the workshop discord somewhen soon.

We have redesigned the Macro cannon as well.

Stormi_chan That new macro cannon looks stellar!

well duh its in space

    dafeeeeeeeeeesh Yeah that’s a good point...

      Stormi_chan What's that 2 by 1 part next to the cannon?

      Altraxia Looks like a new part yet released. Maybe a 1x2 sized cockpit similar to those in SW:ACD?

        Altraxia 😉

          13 days later

          Stormi_chan ooh, looks great. Perfect for some massive battleship designs!

            "Alot of minor issues have been fixed alongside the bug that kept crashing the game when ships were fighting,"
            yeah, ive noticed that as well, lol. also, what are you planning for the future? chaos variants of the existing weapons, or maybe some other races stuff?

            Stormi_chan Will you add Imperial Knights

            As in like a mount will an imperial knight would be standing, I don't think its in lore tbh, but maybe its possible?

              neoshaf we are planning on making the mod into a mod pack... And making chaos orks and Tau... But that's in the very far future, we need to finish the Impirium of Man... Then we will add other races.

              REvenger Titans? No we are not planning on adding them... We are trying keeping our selfs as close to the lore as possible.

              Stormi_chan ah ok,

              but maybe a seperate fun modpack would be nice 😉