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NanoTrasen Systems is comprised of many merged corporations from around the galaxy, primarily acting as a manufacturing and research company -- they sell anything from light kevlar t-shirts with thermal shielding to hotpockets that only get kind of warm. Unlike most other megacorporations, NanoTrasen does not claim territory nor act as a governing body, working within already existing legal structures and buying private property. NT has a reputation as one of the less controversial companies around, providing hefty benefits for those that choose to work for them. They generally avoid conflict, but are known to make their wares available to mercenaries and occasionally terrorist groups. NanoTrasen does, of course, maintain small fleets to deter raiders from their orbital and deep-space installations. Styles vary drastically depending on one's location in the galaxy.
The Peacepod
$56,700 credits
10 crew
A pod designed to stop conflict by quite literally shooting or blocking projectiles. It also provides point defense support to friendly craft, but lacks any offensive capability.
The Spacepod
$58,450 credits
8 crew
An agile pod, useful for harassing and flanking maneuvers in a fleet.
$96,200 credits
18 crew
A heavier pod, usually the leader of a squadron. Its two tail lasers and armor configuration allow it to reliably run away from fights. A common tactic is to set fire to enemy ships before retreating, making repairs, and diving back in.
The Budget-class Skirmisher
$129,150 credits
30 crew
A cheap craft that's just a tad too small to be called a corvette. It's quite bad. Its only redeeming qualites are its well-armored reactor and engines.
The Underwhelmer
$243,200 credits
62 crew
A corvette meant to overpower shields and bake a ship's insides. It's quite fast, but packed tight and poorly armored, as well as lacking in point defense.
The Syndicate Freighter
$252,050 credits
30 crew
A freighter, the backbone of NanoTrasen Systems. Easily modifiable and well-armored, but designed as a civilian vessel. It only comes with asteroid protection systems and a salvage laser.
The Snippet
$247,600 credits
52 crew
A missile corvette, balanced and quite easy to modify but not particularly good at anything.
The Blorble
$320,700 credits
72 crew
A modified version of the Snippet, sacrificing backwards motion for three ion beam weapons and extra shielding. Also comes with side-mounted point defense cannons.
The Apophis
$397,800 credits
88 crew
Another modification to the Snippet, this time meant for those who enjoy taking lives slowly. It has an absurd amount of frontal shielding, ample point defense coverage, and an abundance of fire extinguishers. The two electrobolt weapons are meant to take down an enemy's shields while the single ion beam at the front slowly eats its way through their ship.
The Chapel Corvette
$334,900 credits
56 crew
A fresh new design, fast and well-armored but lacking in firepower for its size. It's not uncommon for the ship to split in half while its wing-mounted laser cannons keep firing.
The Impulse Corvette
$359,000 credits
56 crew
A compartmentalized corvette, efficient and cohesively armored but lacking in shields and point defense.
The Neruda Corvette
$459,300 credits
124 crew
Similar to the Impulse Corvette, but much more agile with slightly better shielding and existent point defense. Its main weakness is that its thruster wings are unprotected and can be easily severed, separating the ship from its control rooms.
The Bird of Prey
$530,200 credits
114 crew
A frigate loosely resembling the shape of an eagle, popular around Earth. It is designed to be able to lose entire sections and keep fighting, though it could use a little extra thrusters and maybe an electrobolt or two.
The Rockpuncher
$560,250 credits
136 crew
A frigate with plenty of engine power and internal armor, but no point defense. Its sides are covered in heavy armor meant to catch flanking missiles. The front of the ship has spotty shielding over its vast array of energy weapons, and no shields covering its frontal electrobolts. The Rockpuncher is designed to quickly overpower and disable enemy weapons, but falls short in extended combat.
The Spelunker Cruiser
$2,023,000 credits
264 crew
A large cruiser with more space than actual systems. NanoTrasen constructed these cruisers to independently conduct research in deep space, and so they require plenty of defense. It is compartmentalized so that crew are segregated between sections of the ship. It lacks point defense, instead relying on armor and size to survive. The usual tactic is to ram the Spelunker into an enemy ship so that its frontal armor blocks their weapons.