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NanoTrasen Systems is comprised of many merged corporations from around the galaxy, primarily acting as a manufacturing and research company -- they sell anything from light kevlar t-shirts with thermal shielding to hotpockets that only get kind of warm. Unlike most other megacorporations, NanoTrasen does not claim territory nor act as a governing body, working within already existing legal structures and buying private property. NT has a reputation as one of the less controversial companies around, providing hefty benefits for those that choose to work for them. They generally avoid conflict, but are known to make their wares available to mercenaries and occasionally terrorist groups. NanoTrasen does, of course, maintain small fleets to deter raiders from their orbital and deep-space installations. Styles vary drastically depending on one's location in the galaxy.

The Peacepod


$56,700 credits
10 crew

A pod designed to stop conflict by quite literally shooting or blocking projectiles. It also provides point defense support to friendly craft, but lacks any offensive capability.

The Spacepod


$58,450 credits
8 crew

An agile pod, useful for harassing and flanking maneuvers in a fleet.


$96,200 credits
18 crew

A heavier pod, usually the leader of a squadron. Its two tail lasers and armor configuration allow it to reliably run away from fights. A common tactic is to set fire to enemy ships before retreating, making repairs, and diving back in.

The Budget-class Skirmisher


$129,150 credits
30 crew

A cheap craft that's just a tad too small to be called a corvette. It's quite bad. Its only redeeming qualites are its well-armored reactor and engines.

The Underwhelmer


$243,200 credits
62 crew

A corvette meant to overpower shields and bake a ship's insides. It's quite fast, but packed tight and poorly armored, as well as lacking in point defense.

The Syndicate Freighter


$252,050 credits
30 crew

A freighter, the backbone of NanoTrasen Systems. Easily modifiable and well-armored, but designed as a civilian vessel. It only comes with asteroid protection systems and a salvage laser.

The Snippet


$247,600 credits
52 crew

A missile corvette, balanced and quite easy to modify but not particularly good at anything.

The Blorble


$320,700 credits
72 crew

A modified version of the Snippet, sacrificing backwards motion for three ion beam weapons and extra shielding. Also comes with side-mounted point defense cannons.

The Apophis


$397,800 credits
88 crew

Another modification to the Snippet, this time meant for those who enjoy taking lives slowly. It has an absurd amount of frontal shielding, ample point defense coverage, and an abundance of fire extinguishers. The two electrobolt weapons are meant to take down an enemy's shields while the single ion beam at the front slowly eats its way through their ship.

The Chapel Corvette


$334,900 credits
56 crew

A fresh new design, fast and well-armored but lacking in firepower for its size. It's not uncommon for the ship to split in half while its wing-mounted laser cannons keep firing.

The Impulse Corvette


$359,000 credits
56 crew

A compartmentalized corvette, efficient and cohesively armored but lacking in shields and point defense.

The Neruda Corvette


$459,300 credits
124 crew

Similar to the Impulse Corvette, but much more agile with slightly better shielding and existent point defense. Its main weakness is that its thruster wings are unprotected and can be easily severed, separating the ship from its control rooms.

The Bird of Prey


$530,200 credits
114 crew

A frigate loosely resembling the shape of an eagle, popular around Earth. It is designed to be able to lose entire sections and keep fighting, though it could use a little extra thrusters and maybe an electrobolt or two.

The Rockpuncher


$560,250 credits
136 crew

A frigate with plenty of engine power and internal armor, but no point defense. Its sides are covered in heavy armor meant to catch flanking missiles. The front of the ship has spotty shielding over its vast array of energy weapons, and no shields covering its frontal electrobolts. The Rockpuncher is designed to quickly overpower and disable enemy weapons, but falls short in extended combat.

The Spelunker Cruiser


$2,023,000 credits
264 crew

A large cruiser with more space than actual systems. NanoTrasen constructed these cruisers to independently conduct research in deep space, and so they require plenty of defense. It is compartmentalized so that crew are segregated between sections of the ship. It lacks point defense, instead relying on armor and size to survive. The usual tactic is to ram the Spelunker into an enemy ship so that its frontal armor blocks their weapons.

  • [deleted]



    New ship:

    The Spearpoint Skirmisher


    $124,900 credits
    18 crew

    NanoTrasen's initial attempt at a skirmisher craft, the Budget-class, tanked miserably. It was unwieldy, inefficient, and more importantly, a waste of money (even for its cheap cost).

    The Spearpoint-class has less crew, better defenses, and more powerful engines than the Budget-class, all while being several thousand credits cheaper than its predecessor. Its purpose is to engage and disable multiple strike craft at once, relying on ample side armor to ward off flanking attacks while it focuses on one target at a time. Its shields are well-protected by the armored spear on the front of the ship, allowing them to recharge safely after being taken down. The side engine rooms leave space for modification, and empty corridors between the ammo factory and cannons allow for relatively constant firing.

      Common Spearpoint Skirmisher modifications:



      NanoTrasen doesn't exactly expect to find any fighter craft with the capacity to efficiently deploy missiles. The Anti-Missile skirmisher is meant to provide escort to other NanoTrasen vessels in larger fights.

      $134,100 credits
      18 crew

      • Extra point defense.
      • More powerful engines, to better catch agile missile craft.



      The typical Skirmisher lacks the ability to effectively deal with shields. For just over 10,000 credits, this modification remedies that (but sacrifices sideways defense to do so).

      $135,600 credits
      22 crew

      • Side-mounted electrobolts.
      • Engine/electrobolt rooms separated from munitions corridor to prevent clutter.
      • Extra power storage.
      • Point defense removed to make way for extra crew.



      $152,700 credits
      30 crew

      The Defender doesn't really change the role of the Skirmisher in any way. It's more or less a straightforward improvement to the ship's defensive capability.

      • Sacrifices some sideways thrust.
      • Slightly less internal armor.
      • Better shielding.
      • An additional layer of armor on the spear.



      $162,800 credits
      36 crew

      For captains who want a bit more oomph.

      • Slightly increased side armor.
      • Closed off frontal armor.
      • Ammo factories moved into engine rooms.
      • Heavy cannons.

      Heavy Defender


      $203,000 credits
      36 crew

      For captains who want a bit more oomph and a little more ahh, and aren't afraid to explode in a fiery chain reaction to get it.

      • Extra shielding and reactors.
      • Closed off frontal armor.
      • Heavy cannons.
      • Almost no internal armor.



      38 crew

      Possibly the most unwieldy model. It's quite unreliable for its cost, and should only really be used if a larger ship can draw attention away from it.

      • Lacks room to paint the ship name.
      • Has extra reactors in poorly defended places.
      • Lacks point defense.
      • Has an ion cannon that largely makes the frontal armor pointless.
      • Should really only be used to scare inexperienced captains.

      Heres a ship that you might like:

      The Elk Class Solar Observatory can withstand immense levels of radiation and temperature due to its unique Tardigrade-based* paint. This allows it to study stars until they go supernova, which will allow Nano Trasen to develop new technologies that can produce and absorb that amount of energy.

      • No tardigrades were hurt in the making of this paint. Nano Trasen does not condone or endorse the mistreatment of such majestic water pig bears in any way shape or form.

        Fun fact, in the actual NanoTrasen lore, they randomly scattered tardigrades throughout the Sol System's asteroid belt as part of a behavioral project.

        I like it. I'll use it as a base for a bigger solarium station, if glass floors ever become a thing.

          [Unique NanoTrasen Vessels]

          The WD-40


          $773,900 credits
          160 crew

          The NSS WD-40 is a modified Syndicate Freighter used by Captain Hadar. He was involved in the battle for Paradise Station, an orbital installation conducting atmospherics research in the system Gliese 229 in an attempt to develop new methods to create and apply superheated plasma. A burgeoning pirate group attempted to invade the station to replace their outdated missile technology with plasma weaponry, surprising and overpowering the local garrison of Budget-class Skirmishers. Captain Hadar, back then commanding a regular freighter known as the NSS Laughter Demon, was in the system on a cargo run when the evacuation broadcast started playing. Instead of fleeing, he positioned the Laughter Demon between the pirates and Paradise Station, providing point defense support for the fleeing escape pods. Together with the station's short-range lasers, he fended off the raiders long enough for a reserve fleet to arrive and drive them away. The Laughter Demon did not survive the battle -- a desperate pirate closed in to try and seize the freighter via boarding, but its control room was destroyed and the junker crashed. Captain Hadar and his crew had to be cloned.

          For his bravery and service to the company, he was offered a position as captain of a Bird of Prey. He refused and instead requested a new freighter, access to the shipyards, and time. The NSS WD-40 may not be pretty.. or even efficient.. but it gets the job done.

          The Invasive


          $2,700,000 credits
          420 crew

          There are captains without style, and then there's Captain Lotsu.

          Captain Lotsu commands a modified Spelunker-class Cruiser, the NSS Invasive, responsible for tracking the movements of invasive plant and animal species around the galaxy and collecting them for study. Occasionally an invasive species might actually be capable of fighting back -- no one can forget the giant spider incident back on Orbital Installation 19 -- and so the Spelunker carries ample weaponry for the purpose of blowing up anything too dangerous. Even if it's on another ship. Especially if it's on another ship.

          Naturally, this makes some people a little less than happy, and so the Invasive comes equipped with extra shielding, point defense, and missile batteries. It should be noted that the rear-mounted missiles can't actually reach enemy ships directly in front of the Spelunker; incidentally, this means that any ship trying to flank the cruiser will very quickly find themselves drowning in missile lock warnings.

          New ship, cosmetic.

          Astraeus-class Frigate


          $125,500 credits
          4 crew

          Though the Elk-class proves its value time and time again for projects involving the unique properties of stars, it lacks the space to fit equipment for other research. NanoTrasen's unwillingness to create a new ship type cracked once an Elk-class, attempting to synthesize a cure for an alien disease plaguing Earth's colonies, reported all hands lost after their makeshift lab failed to contain the virus. Regretfully, the ship had to be destroyed.

          The new Astraeus-class line of ships are perhaps oversized, but can be modified on a room-to-room basis to better suit a project's needs. NanoTrasen is quite proud of the robust airlock systems on either side of the ship. Using technology from the Elk-class, they were also able to create a radiation-proof escape pod in the center of the frigate. A few models even have small research shuttles in place of the pod..

          The first Astraeus-class frigate to come off the shipyards is the NSV Time is Money, dedicated to researching quantum physics and relativity near black holes.

          Notably, some Astraeus-class frigates are remodeled into party boats and sold to the wealthy. Got to make a profit somehow..

          Halinder What about Sensor Arrays? It Kind of needs those aesthetically to be a good research vessel

            It's based off of a shp from SS13 (the game NanoTrasen is from). I wanted to put sensors in the rear of the ship, but it messed with the decals a tad so I cut them out. Here's the ship layout it's based off of:


            @Halinder the Astraeus' sides aren't symmetrical (left side). Or was it intentional?

              BlaZeyVoiD At the time of building this, every fix I tried to make to get it symmetrical was just a liiiittle off.

              Your comment made me look a little harder and realize, dear god, the hydroponics bay is one tile higher than it should be.

              Here's a fixed Astraeus (this time forward-facing):


                NanoTrasen has been experimenting with new designs. The idea was to develop ships that could not only work together as a fleet, but could also supplement Spearpoint Skirmishers to shore up the weaknesses of each modification. They are named after various surgical tools.

                The Cautery


                $97,450 credits
                18 crew

                A somewhat expensive fighter craft, intended to provide a little extra firepower and jam light shields. Although it might not matter on a ship of such small size, interior corridor design lets crew move quickly between each system.

                The Scalpel


                $106,700 credits
                18 crew

                An odd looking bomber intended to support Anti-Shield Spearpoint variants. Its backwards-facing thrusters were removed after captains kept behaving like harassers rather than escorts.

                The Hemostat


                $106,700 credits
                18 crew

                A decently agile strike craft designed to flank the enemy and shred their engines, or help the non-heavy Spearpoint variants chew through an opponent's armor.

                The Bonesaw


                $122,850 credits
                24 crew

                Typically used with the Basic and Anti-missile Spearpoint variants or in conjunction with a Hemostat. Notably, even the electrobolts can only fire directly forward on this ship.

                  @Halinder It looks so much better now.

                  Btw, check the new ships that I've added to the Voidians Armada. And see if they are too OP or too weak.


                    NanoTrasen's role in the war is interesting.

                    The company has major stations across the galaxy, linked together with FTL gateways that let them send personnel and shuttlecraft between one another -- anything larger will need an FTL drive of its own. Many independent one-planet governments purchase gateway tickets for their trade shuttles, or simply pay the company to bring supplies to them and do all their trading that way. Often times, these are colony worlds that can't afford (or don't know how) to build their own space stations. More than once, NanoTrasen's deterrence fleets have been requisitioned to act as planetary defense forces.

                    Never more so than now.

                    As the Voidians sink their hooks into the galaxy, NanoTrasen vessels are spread thin protecting their assets. The main Voidian fleet is unstoppable; the company can barely hold out enough to evacuate their stations, much less the worlds they orbit. Frantically, NanoTrasen has searched far and wide for new technologies unrestricted by military clearance or exorbitant cost. They aren't state-of-the-art by any means, but NanoTrasen and its desperate captains will take any edge over the invaders.

                    Fishtail Fighter


                    $79,800 credits
                    14 crew

                    Voidian raiding parties have stretched NanoTrasen's fleets thin; even Spearpoint Skirmishers are becoming scarce. The Fishtail-class is somewhat cheaper than a Skirmisher, but lacks FTL -- it can only move between stations equipped with FTL gateways. Its standard cannon and shielding are enough to eliminate Voidian fighters. New hardlight accelerator technology helps the Fishtail deal with the light shielding of Voidian bombers.

                    Bulk Gunship


                    $151,450 credits
                    32 crew

                    A Bulk-class is quick to make but not cheap. Against single targets, it's better than a Spearpoint. Two of these can handle a Voidian Corvette nicely. It uses standard technology, save for its payload of high-velocity shock missiles that do fairly low damage but move too fast for Voidian point defense to respond. Like the Fishtail, it can only stick to stations. These ships get produced so fast that their crews are often pieced together from whatever rookies are available. It's become a fast-spreading tradition for crews aboard these ships not to name their craft until after they survive their first battle.

                    Astray-class Minelayer


                    $481,050 credits
                    114 crew

                    There is no more Astraeus ship classification. Every single one has been turned into the Astray-class "science vessels". They still do research, mind, but by this point it's mostly a formality.

                    It only takes one good look at the Astray-class to know that NanoTrasen is losing. A winning side doesn't tell its crews to move all vital command functions into an escape pod, and it most certainly doesn't turn a hydroponics bay into a tracking mine factory. The front of the Astray-class is fitted with ion missile fabricators, volt disruptors, and gauss arrays.

                    The NSS Lethal Injection


                    $2,928,500 credits
                    128 crew

                    In one of the many skirmishes with the advancing Voidian fleet, something miraculous happened.

                    It was the usual story. Two Spearpoint Skirmishers and a few spacepods escorted a Rockpuncher into the fray, just a few ballsy captains having a morbid laugh about their impending doom. The plan was to disable an Annihilator's escort fleet so that it would have to fall back, giving NanoTrasen enough time to evacuate the next world. It went badly, as these fights always did. They focused fire and took out the destroyers and fighters, but not before losing three of the four spacepods and a Spearpoint. The other one had taken a nasty sniper round that ignited an ammo store and was burning, fast. Then the Annihilator closed in. In an effort to give the Spearpoint enough time to charge its FTL drive, the remaining spacepod rushed the Annihilator. Shots tore apart its control room and sent it spinning, and somewhere in that dizzing madness, the gunners actually got a shot off before their ship exploded. It hit an engine block on the Annihilator and started a fire.

                    The Spearpoint didn't get away. It came apart in a nuclear blast. The Rockpuncher tried to put some distance between itself and the Annihilator before spinning up the FTL drives, but strangely enough, the Voidian superweapon stopped chasing after a while. The Rockpuncher captain, taking a chance, canceled the drives and waited. The Voidians hadn't installed fire suppression systems on the Annihilators.

                    The nearest Syndicate Freighter was quickly called in, and they started to strip the disabled Voidian ship as fast as possible before reinforcements could arrive. None came, but the Freighter captain was so spooked that he called the salvage operation quits after looting three of the four remaining missile bays. The two ships jumped out of system.

                    The Rockpuncher that survived the skirmish, called the NSS Lethal Injection, was outfitted with several modified missile bays equipped with the stolen Voidian missiles. It has been given extra engines, shields, armor, and point defense cannons at the cost of all of its energy weaponry.

                    NanoTrasen has seen the Voidian flagship plenty of times. Usually, it's been through the last seconds of footage transmitted from the poor bastards who had to fight it. The flagship's escorts alone can do serious harm to a Spelunker-class Cruiser, and have so much point defense that missiles disappear in a wall of superheated plasma. The captain of the NSS Lethal Injection has thus been given a special mission:

                    Ram the flagship. From point blank, detonate the nuclear missiles. A fleet will be provided to distract the escorts.

                    MODS NEEDED:
                    Abh Mod, version 0.4.5:
                    Decalmore Mod:
                    Cannons Plus Mod:
                    Meranera's Additional Weapons Mod:

                      Pretty slick designs! I´ll have to stage an AI battle between the NanoTrasens and the Taoran Navy. There will be screenshots 😉

                        And here they are! Link

                        I like having the faction that can't stand up to dedicated military anything but still manages to inflict losses.

                        wow, is that nanotrasen one of those old good goldies games ? And Taorec what a badass computer do you have to manage such high scale battles ???


                        NanoTrasen's from a lovely game called Space Station 13 (or SS13). It's an absurdly complex game, but since it practically had to be hacked into the game engine, it's somewhat laggy as well. Seems to attract a lot of dwarf fortress fans.

                        Here's a review: