Fort_Master_Gustav (Red's absolutely right.
In regards to the comms, there are no leakages in Qcomms. If, in the very unusual case, the entanglement screws up and the signal gets sent to empty space, then the circuit simply isn't completed, so the message isn't sent. The only possible method of comms snooping is to EWar your way into their systems. And that's super hard due to the systems' nature, coupled with the Vaiaelon paranoically spammed and developed EWar defences. And even then, you're only intercepting one ship's communications.
As for the snooping, 'Lon scanners by nature ignore what's in system and what isn't. And the only way to hide from them fully for extended periods of time is to be in an entire other dimension. You may well be doing that, just fair warning. It's possible to hide for short periods with normal cloaking, but months? No.
It's also entirely possible you may have monitored the various "intruders" to 'Lon space, as I can't speak for their EWar defences.)