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Research begins on the odd brick, attempting to ascertain the workings of the mechanism. As with all things alien, it is kept within heavily monitored and fortified environments at all times, especially when testing.

In response to such a sizeable fleet appearing, Daga D'Arzich engages it's largest fleet since the RSC war, colossal battleships and cruisers ahoy. Unfortunately, the finest crews and captains still serve in what's left of the GSR, cleaning up that mess, leaving the relatively inexperienced to hold the fort.

//Transmission Start//
"Attention unidentified vessels, you are trespassing in Vaiaelon War Pact territory. Disable your combat systems immediately and identify. We will not hesitate to engage in the event of non-compliance."
//Transmission End//

Countless hundreds of thousands of guns unfold from armoured hulks all across the system. Taroka and strikecraft soon fill the space between the the two fleets. All await but a single word to unleash hell on the wretched humans.

Upon ascertaining the mechanical workings of the cube, and hereby inadvertly activating a micro-etching serving as a switch, the top of the cube seems to be split open in two, and from within emanates some kind of holographic projection of stripes of light. Translating it from binary to G-S16 standard, it reads:

We have come upon a great ammount of information regarding a common enemy, one that must be dealt at once. That being said, we are willing to partake with such information in utmost secrecy, for a given price. There is an auction to be hosted at the following coordinates, make sure to bring someone who represents your nation, the matter is to be further discussed in the location given.

Then, the message translates to the following coordinates:

Karvae simply smirked as she watched the displays. With almost a hundred dreadnoughts, twice that in battleships, and three and four hundred each for cruisers and frigates, it didn't take a genius to figure that she had the higher ground. Still, it wouldn't hurt to be sure...

From the rear of the fleet, carriers began spitting out drones by the thousands. The autonomous craft swarmed around the Imperial ships and it seemed like the system held it's breath for just a moment, before she whispered "Fire."

Searing lances of antimatter energy lashed out, followed by swarms of missiles as the frigates at the front emptied their launchers at the Vaiaelon fleet.

  • Edited

"That is understandable, we would be most glad to accept you into the coalition if it is decided by your council, those stellar dominions of your stalwart caliber are valuable to all who fight alongside them. I will not be able to personally await the result, as my group will be required to return to Solaric territory immediately, but please, take this."
He pulls a small datachip from his pocket and holds it out.
"This will hopefully be able to be used with any computing system, and contains Solaric communication codes to allow you to contact us, and the location of the Galactic Emergency Coalition facility, this is an initiative that we the Solaric Empire have set up to deal with issues such as these Deltas."

The coordinates lead to an almost empty system in old Solaric space...

Outside the station, Commander 'Dave' eyed the system hud critically, his visual receptors screwing to focus on it, there appeared to be drastic events unfolding, and no time was to be lost to idle thought, he opened a channel to the VWP station, an urgent hail.

++VWP, you appear to be under attack, I would like to ask for permission to disengage from the station along with my escort cruisers and aid your defence, I would also like to offer the aid of the Solaric Empire in repelling this threat, please respond.++

11 days later

Most of the AM lances make their mark on corvettes and frigates, taking only a few shots to completely disable if not destroy them. A handful of cruisers take hits, but are largely left better for wear. The missiles are shredded to pieces by the rows upon rows of PD littering the Vaiaelon hulls, less than several dozen actually hit their target, dealing minimal damage due to their quantity over quality.

The commander of the battlegroup looks at the damage reports coming in and sighs.
"The old wars have come back to haunt us, it seems... We'll fight them as we did before, all hands prepare for ship to ship CQC! Initiate Qswitch tracking and engage aftward thrust. Tell the jockeys to get their rigs booted as well."

The VSA ships and strike craft hang their in space and...! ...Go backwards? They're seemingly retreating, and at a noticeable pace too...

Kotaii gratefully accepts the datachip and puts it into a pocket of his own.
"With luck you will be hearing from us soon. May the paths guide you."
The blast door sealing them in opens slowly, despite Kotaii apparently not pressing any buttons or anything of the sort.

//Transmission Start//
"Under normal circumstances your request would be declined, but we find ourselves against a particularly tenacious enemy. You may disengage post the standard safety precautions. As for the continued intervention of the Solaric Empire, we shall discuss that at a later date. May the paths guide you."
//Transmission End//

2 months later

Some time after the TIE-RSC war, long after the Kel'Shir had disappeared from the War Pact's borders, sensors detect a small group of Kel'Shir ships at the border.

    As before, the very minute they showed up there was already warships Switching into the system, with similar numerical advantages.
    //Transmission Start//
    "This is the VSA. If you have come here with hostile intent, then you should know we never had any plans to continue our campaign into Kel'Shir territory. No more blood need be spilled, the war is over."
    //Transmission End//

      "We are aware of that and agree that no more blood shall be spilled. That is why we came here, to ensure peace between our nations so that both of us may prosper undisturbed."

        6 days later

        //Transmission Start//
        "In that case, proceed to the station our representatives met on beforehand. Delicate matters such as this must be handled in person. He will be waiting for you."
        //Transmission End//

        a month later

        (Rewrote lore, come take a look :3)

        Soundbust11 (noice man)

          (space furrys.......................)


            Soundbust11 (I thought it was a faction war pact after some major forum war or something. Yes me stuupid.)

            8 days later

            //TRANSMISSION END//
            The Kel'Shir ships move to the designated station and one of them, a only lightly armored and armed shuttle, docks, while the others remain in the general vicinity of the station.
            (Sorry for the late reply, had to take a break due to lack of time and energy/inspiration)

              (Np, take all the time you need.)
              The same rep as before arrives to greet the shuttle, looking far less on edge than last time for obvious reasons.

              Out of the shuttle exits the same Kel'Shir who had represented his people before aboard this station. He is alone.
              "Greetings. Shall we get down to business then?"

                8 days later

                Kotaii: "But of course..."
                He's lead to the same discussion room as before, but the holotable is left disabled for now, due to a lack of items to display.
                "As before, you may speak freely. What were the terms you wished to discuss?"

                  23 days later

                  Whilst the Vaiaelon were seemingly assisting in the currently occuring war, their home territores had so far been spared of any conflict, wether it was due to tactical prowess or just sheer luck was up for debate...
                  Though this day there was a silent reminder that in even in their home territories, the vastness of space still held dangers for them...
                  The sensors of stations and orbitals alike picked up something quite troubling amidst the background radiation and transmissions on that day, only for a brief moment the galactic plain seemed to almost...
                  Following this trembling there was a silent but distinct whisper, taking only mere moments for it to disappear again.
                  How this 'whisper' came to be and how it reached all across Vaiaelon space remained a mystery, yet, something felt wrong, likely only time would tell the meaning of it.

                    9 days later

                    The council almost immediately gave up any cover up attempts, VWP scanners had already advanced to the point civilian grade ones could detect the anomaly. A multi faceted investigation began; the whisper was analysed in an attempt to match it to any known dialects, the data on the trembling was logged across the vast entirety of Vaiaelon space, experts scouring it for any patterns or similarities to other phenomena.