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Soundbust11 hitting two birds with one stone is good

(You can’t say that, that’s a racist expression)

    19 days later
    • Edited

    Soundbust11 The fox man smiled at her words, though winced ever so slightly at the mention of inter-species co-operation.

    "The Council has some concerns regarding cultural clashes between general populaces. Hell, a lot of my job is just keeping the major population centers away from each others' throats within the Pact. Rushing into widespread cultural connectivity could very well lead to unintended consequences. That said, there is a possible reach-around solution that I would like you to consider."

    "I've always been of the opinion that hitting two birds with one stone is good, but three is better. Our stealth and subterfuge technologies are almost second to none, as I'm sure you're aware, however, we lack the critical element; insertion method. This is where the Pact feels we could gain a lot from each other."

    He pulled a device from inside his coat, placing it on the table. A shimmering field appeared around them, all outside noises disappearing entirely, and he took on a less jesting tone.

    "We are aware of the UEG's own surveillance organisation going by, or operating under, ONI. And please, don't try to feign ignorance, we do know. What I propose is a joint task force; VWP technology, ONI personnel. Such a force would quite obviously be one to be reckoned with, but the intended outcome is twofold. Any results said team outputs is publicized where possible. Security concerns aside, all the public needs to know is what was discovered, and that it couldn't have been done without the help of the other nation. Consider this a sort of test run to see how people react to increased co-operation when directly faced with its positives."

    His expression softened "Of course, I realize this is mainly concern on my end, but it is a concern nonetheless. I will admit I feel a slight pride in the plan, I oversee the team responsible you see."

    " I hope in due time the council can put aside the cultural differences between us. Nonetheless, it is no issue for me and the government I represent. I am sure the UEG intelligence community would like to accept your joint surveillance deal and would definitely like to see more cooperation between governments and the UoJ. There might be some issues about what the findings of this proposed team may find regarding security levels and the public eye. Who knows who is watching." Linda gazes lustfully at the fox, mentally undressing him.

      3 months later

      "Ah! It is a relief that you have no issues, my dear. Exactly what is disclosed doesn't matter too much, even the statement that important information was discovered co-operatively would suffice, I believe."
      He clicked something on the device and tucked it back away, the sounds of local tranquil humdrum returning.
      "We can discuss exact details at a later date, as I believe our food is ready."
      As though on cue, the waitress returned, carrying two plates. She carefully set down both, taking extra care with Linda's order. Kotaii licked his lips, Linda catching a brief glimpse of his fangs, before he thanked the waitress.
      "Ora filen ta!"
      He turned his attention back to his guest as he began cutting up his meat.
      "I must say Miss Linda, you have been very accommodating thus far. It's always relieving to be reminded not all of your kind are so brutish. Though I must ask, why did you personally take on this mission?"

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        • Edited

        Soundbust11 "Ah! It is a relief that you have no issues, my dear. Exactly what is disclosed doesn't matter too much, even the statement that important information was discovered co-cooperatively would suffice, I believe."
        He clicked something on the device and tucked it back away, the sounds of local tranquil humdrum returning.
        "We can discuss exact details at a later date, as I believe our food is ready."
        As though on cue, the waitress returned, carrying two plates. She carefully set down both, taking extra care with Linda's order. Kotaii licked his lips, Linda catching a brief glimpse of his fangs, before he thanked the waitress.
        "Ora filen ta!"
        He turned his attention back to his guest as he began cutting up his meat.
        "I must say Miss Linda, you have been very accommodating thus far. It's always relieving to be reminded not all of your kind are so brutish. Though I must ask, why did you personally take on this mission?"

        Linda thanks the waitress for her meal. She places a napkin on her lap. Her eyes glaze over has she sees his fangs. She tells herself to refocus on eating her meal. She mutters I'll let you make me a meal" under her breathe quietly before addressing the question.

        "I volunteered myself for this mission because... because I think that our two species can work together to accomplish many....great things. Many great.... Many new scientific avenues and ventures, as well as military."

        Linda's mind begins to knot itself as she becomes more flustered.

        (This isn’t even sus it’s just straight up imposter)

        17 days later

        Very unfortunately for Linda, like many other vulpine species, Vaiaelons possess a heightened sense of hearing when compared to humans. Kotaii's ear flicked slightly upon her muttered words, and his expression briefly shifted to one of mild confusion, wondering if he had misheard something. He relaxed a bit when she went on about interspecies cooperation once more.

        K: "Well, ideally so indeed! You truly are too kind in your consideration of my people, and I do hope this will not be the last time we meet."

        He went to take a sip of his drink, but as he did so he caught a rather specific scent and ended up coughing.
        K: ahem "My apologies, just went down my windpipe is all, heh..."
        He now regretted the exact wording of his previous statement.


          owo intensifies

          Very unfortunately for Linda, like many other vulpine species, Vaiaelons possess a heightened sense of hearing when compared to humans. Kotaii's ear flicked slightly upon her muttered words, and his expression briefly shifted to one of mild confusion, wondering if he had misheard something. He relaxed a bit when she went on about interspecies cooperation once more.

          K: "Well, ideally so indeed! You truly are too kind in your consideration of my people, and I do hope this will not be the last time we meet."

          He went to take a sip of his drink, but as he did so he caught a rather specific scent and ended up coughing.
          K: ahem "My apologies, just went down my windpipe is all, heh..."
          He now regretted the exact wording of his previous statement.

          "In the foreseeable future, I doubt it will be the last time we shall meet. " Linda says before finishing her meal. She did notice Kotaii choking on his drink. Maybe she was reading too far into things. She smooths her skirt and says "that was a wonderful meal. Now what else is planned for the night regarding diplomatic actions?"

          20 days later

          Many things have been said in the ADL about the VWP. It's an unknown factor, one which could either work with or against the ADL. With amiable relations with the UEG, the Parliament thought it'd be a smart idea to establish relations on good footing with the other UoJ members, starting with the most unknown agent first.

          They sent one Heleka Va'turn, while not the most charming person, is an excellent diplomat. The trip to VWP space was rudely delayed by the fueling back home being understaffed, thanks to the recent protests.

          "Damn, how long is this trip going to take?" one of the supporting envoys asks.

          "Sir, we're going to be en route for another few hours." a bridge crew responds.

          "Make sure you forwarded the message to the VWP." Heleka says. "We wouldn't want to be intruding on their space and instantly sour relations."

          "Aye, ma'am." the crewman says, shifting his gaze over to a nearby interface. There's a lot of incoming and outgoing messages from various ships, especially in the squadron. With several Y-Class Frigates and a sole Thunderstorm-Class Destroyer, all sending out repeated pulses informing any nearby installations that their mission is peaceful.

          They arrive at an outpost of the VWP, where they request access to dock.

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          9 days later

          Kotaii got up from his seat, rather contented with the food. He tipped the grateful waitress, before walking back towards the vehicle that had brought them here, beckoning Linda to follow.

          K: "Well, I believe I have stated that I believe precise details of our arrangements can be sorted by either the bean counters or subsequent meetings; think of tonight's talks as more of an agreement and a commitment, rather than something concrete. He chuckled Imagine how much easier our jobs would be were this all it took, but I digress."

          He halted just next to the "car", turning to face Linda.
          K: "Unless there is something more you wish to say to me, you're welcome to browse the various amenities afforded on this Orbital. In fact I believe that lake we were overlooking hosts day excursions, should you feel so inclined. Whether I accompany you or not is your choice."

          The system seemed almost lifeless at first, indistinguishable from the countless millions of sterile constellations littering the galaxy. Only on closer investigations would one note the large chunks of asteroid belts that were apparently missing, various pieces of equipment lying dormant within, as well as the notably large satellite orbiting the star, 5km along its longest axis.

          A message relayed itself into the comms arrays of the ADL ships, apparently not having originated from the starbase, or anywhere for that matter. As far as could be discerned, the message had simply appeared in the OS.

          //Transmission Start//
          "Arriving vessels, please confirm that you are the attaché sent from the ADL. If you are not such, disclose your intentions and nationality. Failure to do so will be met with armed response."
          //Transmission End//


          "We are indeed the attache. We've been sent from Cunicule itself in order to establish diplomatic relations." Heleka herself confirms, with the characteristic clicking noises which are spaced throughout the ADL's variant of the galactic standard language.

          This message is received by all of the envoy ships, everyone as confused as the next person as to where this transmission originated. No sensors placed aboard can detect any life anywhere nearby, which leads to the defensive armaments being quietly armed, prepared for potential pirates.

          Soundbust11 Unless there is something more you wish to say

          (Do it, say something sus)

          • ONI likes this.
          5 days later

          Soundbust11 "Your company would be lovely" she replies. "Having someone to guide me along so I do not get lost would be greatly appreciated. As well, I bet you have more knowledge of the area than I do"

            Following the incident with the garmilas task force, it is decided to discover what these "Vaiaelons" are. A task force consisting of one Meltoria-class battlecruiser, two Kelkapia-class cruisers, and seven Kripteria-class destroyers. The force proceeds to the edge of Vaiaelon space, and stops, sending a transmission requesting a meeting.

              a month later

              //Transmission Start//
              "Message received in full. Attached to this message is a flight path leading to a hangar of the local installation. Any deviations outside of acceptable parameters will be seen as an act of hostility. We will escort you to monitor your progress. Welcome to the War Pact."
              //Transmission End//

              At first that second to last remark seemed questionable at best, who exactly would be doing the escorting? The Alsinan crewmembers didn't have to worry about that for long, as a pair of new ships appeared in their formation. Just a moment ago their sensors had assured them that there was nothing but empty space there. Now the gunners of the defensive systems found themselves staring back down the barrels of several laser cannons and missile launch turrets. The VSA destroyers didn't attack, instead making good on their promise to simply escort.

              //Transmission Start//
              "Message received in full. Proceed to the following co-ordinates, and await further instructions."
              //Transmission End//

              The Gamilas vessels find themselves directed towards a veritable battlegroup. Two battleships sit stationary like diamonds in the sky, a quartet of escort carriers remain at the opposite edge of the system, a colossal dreadnought is visible hauling itself out of port, and just over a dozen cruisers patrol the space. The dreadnought measures a staggering 10km from end to end, the lesser ships being along the same scale in a receding fashion. However, all of this was mostly a show of force; these ships were dated models en route to be mothballed and running skeleton crews. The Gamilas of course had no way of knowing this as whole squadrons of Taroka circled their formation; the same infuriating fightercraft that had given their task force so much trouble with only a handful of units.

              //Transmission Start//
              "Send your diplomats to the designated hangar on the shipyard. Only one vessel may approach, the rest must keep a minimum 30 kilometer distance. Confirm."
              //Transmission End//


              The sudden appearance of these Vaiaelon ships was startling to say the least, these hulking giants of ships compared to the Alsinan envoy fleet not firing a shot or sending off any communication whatsoever. These ships, shaped like nothing the Alsinans have ever seen, are painted in the colors of the VWP. Oddly bright colors for such stealthy ships. Seeing as their offer of peace and diplomacy was accepted, all of the Alsinan ships cut the power to their weapons. No reason to keep them online.

              "Talk about a sudden appearance." Heleka says, calming herself as these giants match speed and escort the fleet. "They must have amazing stealth technology if our sensors were unable to detect them."

              "Ma'am, we have the map. Set course?" a crew member asks.

              "Follow the path they layed out for us. We don't want to do anything which could provoke an attack."


              After saving the map to the ship-borne computer systems, the Alsinan envoy fleet makes a slight adjustment in course and begins moving at a somewhat slow pace to the hangar installation. Its shape is unusual and somewhat indescribable, and who knows what sort of standard procedures the VWP has for foreign relations. Many sailors aboard take personal photographs of these stations, a little bit of memorabilia to show back home. Only time can tell whether or not the VWP is friendly or not to the ADL, though the safety of their envoy is well ensured.

              15 days later

              From the bottom of the battlecruiser a shuttle detaches, streaking toward the assigned landing zone. Escorting it are two DWG-109 Debakes, painted in a white and purple pattern.

                The destroyers kept pace with the ADL fleet effortlessly, staying at a constant position relative to the lead ship even during turns. The ships themselves were a far detachment from the ADL's own blocky designs, resembling large triangle-based pyramids with their apexes pointed forwards, guns dotted about their otherwise mostly flat faces. The stations meanwhile were seemingly a bit large for their presumable functions, which regardless of reasoning made for some good photos.

                The designated hangar was more than large enough to take in the Alsinan vessel, and once the airlock sealed shut behind, a black-furred Vaiaelon in diplomatic attire entered and approached. He waited patiently outside the ship, idly inspecting its design in the meantime.

                As the contingent approaches the designated 30km hard border, a pair of XA-17 type Tarokas approach, visibly armed with large railgun pods on their forearms and shoulders.

                //Transmission Start//
                "As was stated, only one vessel may approach. We will take over escort duty from here. No harm will come to your diplomats as long as no fire is exchanged. Confirm."
                //Transmission End//


                It was a very soft landing, per say, when the ship containing the diplomat comes to a stop. Tension is heavy within the ship as the airlock repressurizes the air around the Alsinans, Heleka close to the primary exit. The Viaelon ships docked alongside the Alsinans, their massive size and unusual shape making much more sense when they are in their "home port." Everything of the Viaelons was angular on the exterior, it seemed.

                "Ma'am, are we ready to meet the Viaelon envoy?" a robotic voice calls out, part of the rudimentary on-board AI.

                "Yes. Make sure the air pressure outside isn't lethal first." Heleka answers, tense and on-edge.

                "Scanning...Air pressure outside of the ship is lessened to the norm. Not lethal if exposed to for extended periods of time. Respirator is suggested." the voice replies, with a mix of monotone and clicking which gives it an extremely uncanny presence.

                "I'll manage. Open the airlock."

                "Opening interior door..."

                As the interior airlock door slowly opens, alarms are heard across the ship, though no one bats an eye. As the diplomat steps into the airlock itself, the door closes behind her, alarms ceasing as she gets the first look of the Alsinans of these Viaelons. Very...different, compared to expectations. Though, good thing that these creatures weren't humanoid, gives them some automatic points, if it comes to that.

                The exterior airlock door opens, and Heleka steps out, the walkway being almost too thin to hold all of her legs.

                "Greetings. I am Heleka Va'turn, the diplomat of the Alsinan Defense League to your nation. We hope to establish amiable relations with this first mission."

                a month later

                As the message is sent, both the shuttle and one of the Debakes halt, whilst the other Debake continues.
                "This is our chosen vessel then."