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boombox (not any threat to you perhaps, but maybe they're a threat to those who oppose you 😃)

boombox (Just send a distress signal, dash away and we'll shoot up everything that isn't you and your allies!)

boombox (radiation would interfere a whole lot more, though it still wouldn't outright block heat sensors)

    (tactical Obliteration strike xD but then the event would be over way too fast)

    (Did I say its nuclear radiation? also if its nuclear radiation it could potentially reach temperatures high enough to where its just one big glowing pulp on any heat sensors)

    boombox (Just gimme one excuse like them attack me then i'll fire on them. I wanna a battle)


    The fighters have a reduced visibility of 10 metres and all kinds of scanners and sensors are down.. this way they fly around in the smoke with no sense of direction...

      (Can someone fire on me thinking they are german reinforcements pls i just want another combat scene)

      boombox (boi, all radiation is nuclear. Also, space is kinda cold and entropy is a thing, so best case scenario you block heat sensors for a minute tops)

      Soundbust11 (Space actually has no temperature at all, nothingness is bad at containing any form of energy... That stuff needs an eternity to cool down, the entropy has nowhere to distribute to.)

      The STC formation is rent asunder as the Bismarck barrels through, two "Overlord" class cruisers spin out of control, clipped by the mighty ship, another is torn apart, a "Brave" class and "Spear" class Frigate explode into balls of nuclear fire as they are struck.
      The Bismarck's prow hits the stern of the Command Corvette, sending it spinning, the bow of the small craft swings wildly with the impact and buries itself into the side of the giant ship, the fore section breaking off from the aft command module, then the Missile munitions go up, and tear a rent again into the GSR ship, which misses the Mighty "Vulcan" at the rear of the STC formation by mere inches, gun barrels on both craft scraping the hull of the other, the remaining STC cruisers throw out intercepting fire at the retreating giant, though little of it hits, and that which does accomplishes little, escape pods begin to lance forth from the crippled STC ships, and are retreived by Tractor Beams...


      Commander Andrei was pretty nervous, and anxious...

      //Communications open
      "Please in the name of God don't tell me you too are here to destroy the Bismark..."
      Transmission instanly cut...

      @Tson @KrankysFirebrand48 (@boombox)

      As the new fleet came, with even more long-range cannons, they all fired towards what seems the largest ship, and caused a medium-like damage, along with a ton of fires... The shields could resist only half of the shots fired, but the rest, that were not shot down, survived.

      In the STC fleet the "Vulcan" weathered the assault, STC crew in black uniforms hosing down fires that sprung up internally, Commandant Yugastin was now on the "Vulcan", and had made his way to the bridge, where he contacted his fleet.
      ++All ships, open fire on hostiles, immediate execute formation change "Triton Spear" on receipt, all ships elevate .65 degrees and increase speed to .5 light.++
      The STC ships raise their bows and accelerate, weapons fire lancing backward toward the RRIG ships, a wave of EMP missiles followed by TacNukes and High-Ex.

      RedAndCosmoteer (first you wanted someone to shoot you:

      RedAndCosmoteer Can someone fire on me thinking they are german reinforcements pls i just want another combat scene

      Now your sad?)

        KrankysFirebrand48 Sad that they shot first I kinda wanted someone else to but ok this is fine

          RedAndCosmoteer He only fired at Kranky and Tson...

            CursedPh4nt0m Oh shit

            But he said new fleet, as far as I’m aware I’m the only new fleet or I can’t read for shit, probably second one

            It's His new fleet, he seems to keep bringing in more ships.