- Edited
this is my ship can you rate this?
Edit: have a new version of my ship what you more like old design or new
this is my ship can you rate this?
Edit: have a new version of my ship what you more like old design or new
Very nice design ship so 10 stars i give ya
First problem: Reactors are clustered too close together, resulting in a very big boom.
Second problem: Do you really have to make the ship as such that one crew has to travel all the way around the ship to get a single battery for a control room?
Third problem: FTL efficiency can be increased further by placing both drives on opposite ends of the ship, but you just place them... literally next to each other.
damkiller Additional to the issues RedAndCosmoteer already mentioned, those power storages are basically useless, the usage of crew bunks is not recommended, as quarters are more effective at 'storing' crew, most systems don't get enough power, using ion beams only requires way more maneuverability, ion beams are rather bad at taking down shields, your shields could use some armor in front of them and you should compartmentalise the ship. My best advise is to read some ship building guides and give this design another try afterwards.
The reactor that crew can't get to without walking through another reactor made me lol a little, but the truth is I've seen worse ships. Much worse, and we all have.
edit: Swapping an ftl with that lower center reactor would be a simple way to improve it noticeably. But, ideally, shields and ions will always be adjacent to a reactor. Otherwise they don't stay on enough to really be effective.
For your first ship, its great!
BattleCruiserCommander he never specified that it's his first ship tho lol
CursedPh4nt0m that's a very nice upgrade.
Bevan Thanks. I'm actually surprised it turned out that well, besides the assymetrical tip and the lack of lasers... It's slightly more expensive than the original tho.
CursedPh4nt0m who needs lasers when you have ions? specially at this size of a ship
curedPh4nt0m thank you but my orginal design looking little better (sorry for my english)
will try your ship
read all trips and try to do a better version of this ship
better? Do you think ?
if you changing my ship please don't change too much ship still want be a cool looking ship
but don't hate that
... all die in one day
because I'm mad ;D
damkiller I respond with Ship!
this is excally your ship XD
damkiller He's using 'SW:ACD', 'Diffusion Shields', 'GCW' and possibly 'Archons Plasma'. Also 'way too much armor', 'bubble shield spam', 'lack of engines' and 'roof turret spam'. (Nah, it's completely fair compared to my modded builds. )
Have my 'Oblivion' prototype wreck you instead:
(Could possibly use something cheaper against your 'A-364', I lack any ships between 5-10 million tho.)
PS: My version of your ship was designed for combat efficiency rather than looks. It's still capable of beating your upgrade.