The M.I.S.E's board immediatly innitiate the evacuation program, with thousands of civilizan ships leaving the planet preemptively, they contact the Illateri Sovereignty (@RedAndCosmoteer) asking for help, meanwhile down at the S.O.R.B, the Head Engineer sits on his chair.
"Chock Absorbers working as intended sir, the tensile force is charging our batteries, seismic activities are reported around the planet, but most of the mesh tetters are preventing damage at surface level."
???:"Ah, very well then, very well. Commence Black-level procedure Z-362, I give double confirmation. Evacuate all non-essencial personnel."
He then swipes a keycard at a nearby card reader.
"Very well sir, tether and projectile is armed, reads at 5.000 units lenght. Potential generators are armed and set to fire at contact."
???:"Do we have the target's geo-location? If it its confirmed, then fire tethers A and B."
"We have location through seismic readings, auto-tracking is a green. we're ready to fire."
???:"Then what are we waiting? Fire A and B."
"Very well sir, if this works, I'll be damned."
Deep down in contact with Musavi's molten core, 2 tethered self-propelled projectiles are fired towards the plant mass, with incredible speeds and maneuvering due to the MISE's prowness with liquids, they hit the plant without much effort, and then start dispensing a type of metallic tether together with an ample stock of developed viruses, fungi, and other chemical and bio-chemical compounds.