damkiller There is an issue with your images, I cant load them in cosmoteer
CursedPh4nt0m I tested your arrow by setting both ships in AI normal
The result is that it get pretty close to win the fight
the medium reactors in the wings run out of power rather fast, but the large one rarely gets close to that
I fixed that in a version with continuous moving hallway
the damage differs depending on the movement direct, but loosing a reactor hurts a lot
of course, but in my tests, reactors are often destroyed when it's powered weapons and shields are destroyed first, not decreasing that much ship capacity
I have issues when the ship is moving forward with large reactor chain exploding the truster's reactor and splitting the ship remainings
weapons with penetration power easily weaken the design by destroying corridors and moving walkways
I have rarely the problem against your arrow, again w
I fixed it as well
your systems went dry rather fast during my test fights
I made door conections improvements, setup storage to supply shields only
due to interconnected design, crew bulks are quite far away and they take time to load the first batteries, causing the fast drain I guess
at most 1/4 of weapons got unpowered, from what I learned in the old ship building guide it should be fine
you are stretching some distances rather far (the corridor stripes above the quarters and to the flak)
well, I need a connection, factory dont require much power, i am considering adding a storage for shields
all CRs are next to reactors
Since reactors explode when it's powered modules are gone, and CR when reactors are gone, it should be fine
also it seem that the best place to not have them blew up by two different reactors is next to one reactor 😉
the pd really didn't do much against the four missile launchers of my Arrow
(the flak only caught some eb shots too)
I played the previous version in mp against (bad) ships barges, and point defense is quite effective against missiles
the pd focus the cannons shots too, that's why they are ineffective
Sorry what is the HBL ? now I think all dors placement are intentional
try using some more internal armor, the Arrow's LCs tore some nasty holes in your ships frame
there is some protecting the moving walkways now, but I wont reproduce the arrow's armor layout because I think it would space shields too much
Here is my improved version :

Flak still seem have trouble catching cannon shots, despite covering 4 tiles at least in front of the ship with his firing arc, it's also hard to see where it shot and how efficient it is