Loumardes You usually ping people when talking about their ships, but I guess it is fine this time as I check this place rather often. (Darn Alpha refusing to get back to work!)
Now about the Spearhead: The only 'Spearhead' I ever posted here was created by @Astrum and only modified by me. All credit goes to him. (Not that any of us bothered about the other one getting credit for a redesign, but still.)
Generally speaking, flak is a good way of defending yourself against pretty much everythung but ion beams. So far, I've seen a proper flak defense shoot down everything from electro bolts to railgun rounds, occasionally struggling with the latter, LC shots and a massive overload of missiles. Using it in a fight against another laser/EB focused design will surely put quite some pressure off your shields, that won't work as well against the aforementioned weapons tho.
I also dislike the place you put them, limiting their already small fireing angle even more and exposing them to any stray shots intended for weapons closer to the tip.
Now, about your designs:
the medium reactors in the wings run out of power rather fast, but the large one rarely gets close to that
the damage differs depending on the movement direct, but loosing a reactor hurts a lot
weapons with penetration power easily weaken the design by destroying corridors and moving walkways
your systems went dry rather fast during my test fights
you are stretching some distances rather far (the corridor stripes above the quarters and to the flak)
all CRs are next to reactors
the pd really didn't do much against the four missile launchers of my Arrow
(the flak only caught some eb shots too)
some internals appear messed up (a HLB being connected to an EB instead of the energy storage for example)
try using some more internal armor, the Arrow's LCs tore some nasty holes in your ships frame
---> To be honest, I didn't expect the interconnected design to be that good at cost-saving. It certainly made it easier for cannons to deal some damage, but you apparently have way more money useable for weapons than my old builds using modules.
Important note: I was too lazy to deactivate my mods, so at least Cosmofine impacted the results.
Have my Arrow for own tests:

PS: I am aware this ship costs 1 million credits, but I had nothing else to test yours against, so...