Mojowuq9 The warden:"its powered with plasma batteries some times pure distilled hate of our prisoners."
dafeeeeeeeeeesh ...And what produces said plasma batteries?
Mojowuq9 The warden:"are continuous loop reactors that if tampered with on a station this big can destroy a planet...."
dafeeeeeeeeeesh According to a message, the plant, the Tyrant Vine, is....heavily sabotaging....said....reactors....
Mojowuq9 The warden:"well according to said me...." he presses a button all doors shut and the power is turned off.
dafeeeeeeeeeesh (What?) Now heavy banging can be heard. How thick are those doors?
Mojowuq9 The warden:"well in areas like these its mostly 92 inch thick reinforced steel with heavy shielding."
dafeeeeeeeeeesh Good. That should hold. Sounds of tearing steel and shuffling through the walls begin, along with the sounds of melting steel. Of course it would just use the walls.
Mojowuq9 The warden:"the walls are thicker than the doors as their ment to hold them they come out at around 106 inch steal."
dafeeeeeeeeeesh Well, that explains the melting. Wait, how is it evolving? He thinks for a moment. Can you find out where the anomalies are located?
Mojowuq9 The warden:"their normally on lower decks but if hes attacking them they will push him back."
dafeeeeeeeeeesh Who will? Who will push it back?
Mojowuq9 The warden:"the anomalies their are over 300 of them and they will protect each other they kinda under went a bonding while they where powerless."
dafeeeeeeeeeesh And if they were given power by a Concentrate?
Mojowuq9 The warden:"they could beat him easy at that point but it would also mean they escape...."
dafeeeeeeeeeesh So the anomalies have minds?
Mojowuq9 "noted,thanks for the hospitality" the humanoid gave a sideway smile "now,shall we move along? or is there anything else you want to show me?"
Dumb Oh yeah, would you like to meet Mother?
Mojowuq9 The warden:"some of them i found a pack of gum that always runs out at the worst moments"
Mojowuq9 "Mother? you mean your creator? sure i guess"
dafeeeeeeeeeesh How coincidental. Anyways, the concentrate has INFINITE psychic energy, right?
Mojowuq9 The warden:"what infinite are we talking about?"