I gave some updates of my old projects and I present to you the new ATOMIC THROWER 2.0, now much stronger and more powerful, I noticed that you were bastate dissatisfied with the distance between the factory of nuclear torpedoes and the energy nuclei, but I I had already done the tests in the previous version and regardless of the distance that I put them, they were still being destroyed, because the destruction reach of the nuclear torpedo factory is very large, so I had put the nuclei of energy so close, it made no difference. Now, in this new version of my ship, I left them separated from the nuclear torpedo factory because, although it made no difference, I thought it would leave them less critical of my ship.
Later I will return with new desines of ships.
Signed: JPS-205
(sorry if something in the message was difficult to understand, is that I do not speak very well Ingleis and I'm having to use google translator)