guys im trying to use this mod with other mod called SGA (stargate atlantis) , and it doesnt works , idk why , and i need to desactive one of these two mods to play :C , i want play with these 2 mods together :C
Kroom's Forge (0.15.11+)
In theory all mods that are in the same game version it should be compatible with, I have 14 mods on and no trouble what so ever.
Mind also telling what's wrong, because I've got both mods on and yet they both work just fine?
Hey @Kroom when you download the Krooms forge mod does it come with the "Normal Armor Expanded" and the "Decal Pack"? or do i have to get those features separately?
MrBalkenKreuz you have to get them seperately. The links are at the top of this thread
Altraxia Thanks!
Roasted Wait automation++ on the newest version or, are you on a older version
Kingslycamben I'm on the newest version
Roasted yea i think i found the updated version maintained by another person
Roasted look , this happend when i have the mod of SGA and krooms forge:
Roasted what can i do ? :C can u help me?
SGA galactic allegiance? idk what sga is, if you can tell me i might beable to help you
jabonshampu IS SGA the latest?
i havent encountered any problems loading both though
jabonshampu What version of SGA are you using?
Shirou_Emiya dont worry i was able to fix it , i only deleted a few things on mod.txt
Roasted the last one , but i have fixed it
Kingslycamben sga=StarGate Atlantis
,but i´ve fixed it
jabonshampu Every tried to find a solution to a computer problem and found nothing but people with the same problem and no answers except for one thread on stack exchange where the thread creator said they'd found a fix themselves and didn't say what the fix was for the benefit of all the other people with the problem? Don't be that guy.
Atarlost yeah,srry ill say how to fix that problem