Query: does the Frigate Bridge offer some kind of buff?
ResExsention Yes, it gives a buff to the targeting terminals (targeting terminals gives a buff to weapons range) and it also receive a buff from sensor arrays.
Kroom hey, could you add a block to that is a bit like a shield, but instead of a visible shield, it reinforces armour blocks by 3x health and extra armour penetration resistance?. it would be very power hungry though.
BritishSpuds That's an interesting idea, it could be something like a Polarize Hull part.
Kroom it would basically be a structural integrity field, but abh already does it, and it's massively laggy and that was before the update that fucked buffs
hmmmm...do the 1.0.6 or 1.0.7 versions work on 0.15.2?
linconer Version 1.06 should.
ok.ima test both versions
linconer Version 1.0.7 will not work for Cosmoteer 0.15.2
Kroom could i get a link to your decal mod?
BritishSpuds it's in the top of the post
kola2134 sorry, i did not see it
Kroom how would i add support for my mod to use things like the targeting terminal?
BritishSpuds You need to make your parts capable of receiving its buffs.
BritishSpuds i'm not sure, i think that you need to create a copy of my buff in your own mod.
Drakador_Chaos i will try to keep it updated, i have one part that i would like to add that i have it almost finished.
@Kroom Will the mod still be maintained/worked on with your new position as artist?
Kroom Hey kroom, Was Making a Faction on the Forums, and I wanted to make sure It was alright If i used your Stuff in the Ship Designs.
Brank It's alright to use modded parts for factions and ships.
i know i'm late to the party, but dang. top notch mod