Drakador_Chaos Using only the armor expanded mod also gives you the incompatible message?
Kroom's Forge (0.15.11+)
No, if I use only armor or only forge it works, but if I use both together I get an incompatible multiplayer, for whatever reason.
Drakador_Chaos Maybe the CompatibleGameVersions need to be the same? I have no idea what else it could be.
would it be possible to have a small 2x2 or 1x1 tractor beam, much weaker?
IAmAnotherHuman I will think about it.
are you still planning on making larger vectored thrusters?
How about diagonal thrusters?
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Drakador_Chaos i dont think anyone has ever created a large diagonal thrust
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Kroom What about a different boost thruster (vectored, smaller, or bigger ones). And does this mod work with Automation++?
Drakador_Chaos If i do diagonal thrusters i will probably have to make other diagonal parts, so im not sure about it.
Anonymoose I like boosters to be a separated part and vector thrusters only for small fighters. I think automaton++ will not crash with my mod.
Kroom Understandable, don´t worry.
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There's something wrong with the Bounty mod and 14.14
Updated the Ship library and Bounty Hunter Mod for Cosmoteer 0.14.14 and added a few more ships.
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hey kroom can you tell us when the mod will come out for 0.15.0?
ps: love your mod and also you for making this it.
mah_dispenser I will try to have an update when the stable version of Cosmoteer comes out.
@Kroom hey so, i was wandering in the files of your mod because why not, and i several times found references to some 8x8 roof turret in the code (the 14.10 cosmoteer version of your mod) which i didnt find in the parts nor in your part list here, is there anything to expect or is it some leftover you deleted since the version am using ?