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i am very sorry i did not mean to

    it works for me

      24 days later

      How do i use the Landing pads?


        To dock ships, first, place them over the center of the landing pad, then select the ship with the landing pad and press the docking button at the bottom left (disable collision avoidance in gameplay options or use X key when issue the move order so the ship dont try to avoid be close to your landing pad.).

          for what decal pack made for?

            Vovchick Its mainly for the ships in bounty hunter added by kroom, you can use them on your ships tho. there the decals like the nuclear symbol or the skeleton head and cross bones under it, you can find them in the coloring section, there very usefull

              one more bug, in blueprint mode, the pulse turrets are swapped (left one with the right, etc.)

                operation_gday The blueprints show the turret base not the turret cap. The gun is on the short side above the piano looking thing not the projecting battery array.

                  9 days later

                  is there a list of mods this is compatible with (i can use at the same time)?

                  guys im trying to use this mod with other mod called SGA (stargate atlantis) , and it doesnt works , idk why , and i need to desactive one of these two mods to play :C , i want play with these 2 mods together :C

                    In theory all mods that are in the same game version it should be compatible with, I have 14 mods on and no trouble what so ever.

                    Mind also telling what's wrong, because I've got both mods on and yet they both work just fine?

                    Hey @Kroom when you download the Krooms forge mod does it come with the "Normal Armor Expanded" and the "Decal Pack"? or do i have to get those features separately?

                      MrBalkenKreuz you have to get them seperately. The links are at the top of this thread

                        Altraxia Thanks!

                          Roasted thanks, which 14 mods tho?

                            jeff20one Oh boy
                            Krooms decals
                            Krooms forge
                            Normal armor expanded
                            Additional weapons
                            Star forge CR's
                            Star forge Defences
                            Star Forge thrusters
                            Star Forge utilities
                            Star forge weapons
                            SW ships
                            Galactic alliance (turned off)
                            WH 40k (turned off)

                            Roasted Wait automation++ on the newest version or, are you on a older version

                              Kingslycamben I'm on the newest version

                                Roasted yea i think i found the updated version maintained by another person

                                  Roasted look , this happend when i have the mod of SGA and krooms forge: