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the_guy545 Yeah sure! too bad that that valkyrie can't transform, i would like to see that 😃

Kroom Same

    If you want to see that you will have to wait for my version. But since it's been lying around for a year it won'T come out anytime soon as long as I'm occupied with Abh.

    just because you made homeworld ships and weapons i had to insta download and test the mod ;p


    These Armor Pieces

    Just going to say this, i'm for sure gonna test thias out and it's definetly going to be a main mod for cosmetic ship builds, i'm glad someone made a mod with so many armor pieces. was waiting for deco mod to do so but that's gone for a good 6 months Also i'm interested in the decals, i'll be hapy to make some ships, i could even upload them here and let you use them for bounty or something (if you wish)

    It looks and sounds impressive...

    I have to try it out!

      Might I suggest something for the mod? It might be a wee- bit op, but it's nothing like a new gun or defense, I swear.

      I have tried it out, and I must say I love it! The landing pad indeed is a little bit buggy, but it does what it's supposed to do. Considering that it would be quite complicated to add docking, you did an amazing job!

      (Also, may I use the mod to make some fighters for my faction? If you allow me I will put a link to your mod's page once I do so.)

        Lafiel Really? Is transform like that, possible? I was thinking to make a one-part Valkyrie someday, but i didn't realise that is was possible with parts, that would be awesome.

        akinata I will add some more weapons from homeworld in the future 🙂

        Minion222 I always like to see new ships. For the bounty hunter mode i want to do something like a campaign from the game Wing Commander: Privateer someday.

        BattleCruiserCommander Suggestions are always welcome!

        Alpha Thanks! and making small fighters is the mod purpose, so.. do it!

        Kroom How about a control tower like at airports. It would act like a sensor, but the effect would be on EVERY small ship that docks, and the main ship with the control tower. It would have to be next to at least 1 landing pad. I would say the price would be.... 4x the Sensor cost.

          BattleCruiserCommander How would it affect the ships?

            Kroom It would be like a sensor was on it. So like a radar effect.

              Kroom I have a suggestion: So, since this landing pad is for smaller ships, I was thinking of one for larger ships. Like, say landing pads ranging from 2 landing pads long to perhaps 5 landing pads long. Yes, I do know that this mod is for smaller fighters, but hey, it's only a suggestion.

                the_guy545 I was thinking in adding a bigger landing pad, problably 20x21.

                Kroom no.. What I mean is the effect would be like IF you put a sensor on the ship, without you actually putting one on the ship.

                like the textures 😃

                  Kroom Neat! I love this! I think I’ll review it this week 😃

                  @Kroom I love this mod! Do you have any announable future plans?

                    BattleCruiserCommander I'm not sure what you mean, the small cockpit has a sensor, a weak one, with a 250 sight radius, the normal vanilla one has a sight radius of 400, and the sensor array has 800 sight radius.

                    jbox1 Nice, thank you!

                    Gyrfalcon5 i have a few more parts that i want to add, but I'm a slow worker, so it will take time.