BattleCruiserCommander How would it affect the ships?
Kroom's Forge (0.15.11+)
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Kroom It would be like a sensor was on it. So like a radar effect.
BattleCruiserCommander it will increase the sensor on the small ships?
Kroom I have a suggestion: So, since this landing pad is for smaller ships, I was thinking of one for larger ships. Like, say landing pads ranging from 2 landing pads long to perhaps 5 landing pads long. Yes, I do know that this mod is for smaller fighters, but hey, it's only a suggestion.
the_guy545 I was thinking in adding a bigger landing pad, problably 20x21.
Kroom no.. What I mean is the effect would be like IF you put a sensor on the ship, without you actually putting one on the ship.
like the textures
@Kroom I love this mod! Do you have any announable future plans?
BattleCruiserCommander I'm not sure what you mean, the small cockpit has a sensor, a weak one, with a 250 sight radius, the normal vanilla one has a sight radius of 400, and the sensor array has 800 sight radius.
jbox1 Nice, thank you!
Gyrfalcon5 i have a few more parts that i want to add, but I'm a slow worker, so it will take time.
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Kroom Oh, then make the cockpit sensor range 750 when the tower is active. The main ship will have 900.
Kroom Take as much time as you need!
BattleCruiserCommander That will make the sensor array almost useless, instead, why not make small recon ships using the sensor array?
Kroom I guess, But still make a control tower sprite. It would look great on carrier ships.
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Kroom Not simple but it was possible a year ago that's why I invited Mera last year. It's easier now but Mera left. Namek joined, too, but also left now. So I won't be able to get it done anytime soon. Maybe after the next two Abh releases and when 0.14.5 doesn't force major overhauls. I might be able to spare some time. I already posted a documentation months ago. Because I wanted to establish a building lore to prevent misuse.
jbox1 (Hey, in one of your vids can you mention my faction, even though I know it's a bit selfish. C'mon plz?)
Thank you.
BattleCruiserCommander These are mod reviews, not faction reviews. I might do some faction-related videos at some point though, so you never know