Kroom I have cosmoteer 0.14.12 and your bounty hunter mod would cause it to crash, i am guessing its not updated to 0.14.12?
Kroom's Forge (0.15.11+)
Kingslycamben Nope, 0.14.12 causes BH edits to crash. However, the patch itself is trivial. Just search for, and replace every instance of singleplayer/bounty/
with bounty/
, and you are done. (Ctrl + H brings up a replace menu on most text editors)
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CaptainRedstone Thx for informing me. (is this necroposting?)
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And why not make a Fighter Jet Pack? As a additional mod that includes tons of Fighter Jets
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Mjolnir 'Cause spriting something like that would be a real pain in the ass. Coding it is rather simple tho, all you'd have to do is one full template and then adjusting the stats and references.
So I´m not entirely sure why, but the forge mod seems to make multiplayer incompatible.
Drakador_Chaos Incompatible how? it gives an error?
Kroom I tested it with stormi in creative multiplayer, we activated it, match said incompatible, we tried again, after downloading the latest version again and installing it and...nothing, incompatible.
So unless our versions are differing in some way, something really weird is going on there, might require some more tests though.
Drakador_Chaos without the mod it still works?
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(Drakador_Chaos) Kroom
So it seems to have been differing versions of the mod, maybe due some number behind the name placed by some folder duplicate, seems to work now.
EDIT: Turned other mods back on (huge ships, WH40K and armor expanded) and now it´s incompatible again.
EDIT(2): After some testing it turned out that in multiplayer you can only use either forge or armor expanded, for whatever reason, even though in singleplayer it is working perfectly fine together, maybe some issue about the naming, though I have no actual clues.
Drakador_Chaos Using only the armor expanded mod also gives you the incompatible message?
No, if I use only armor or only forge it works, but if I use both together I get an incompatible multiplayer, for whatever reason.
Drakador_Chaos Maybe the CompatibleGameVersions need to be the same? I have no idea what else it could be.
would it be possible to have a small 2x2 or 1x1 tractor beam, much weaker?
IAmAnotherHuman I will think about it.
are you still planning on making larger vectored thrusters?
How about diagonal thrusters?