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You find bounty hunter too easy? or too boring? Search no more!
Here i present you the first akinata challenge minimod !

Really, a simple mod that does a few little things to enhance bounty hunter in a more fun and challenging way.
First a bit more ships to fight in the tier 4 vanilla bounty hunter. 2 for easy difficulty and 3 for medium and hard difficulty. But that is not all! the control room has now a sensor raduis of 5000!

If you can see them, so do they!

(Works well with vanilla or any mod that does not modify the vanilla control room or use AI ships with with a custom control room. (like bloodcult.))

Download link:
(compatible with version 0.14.0, 0.14.1, 0.14.2 and 0.14.3 of cosmoteer. (and should stay compatible with any future version if walt does not change the control room or the bounty hunter mode.))

ModDB link!

Other mods by akinata:
■ AWV&stargate mod (with custom bounty hunter as an addon):




      Dude this mod has a idea maybe add some more originality and I bet you this will become a really popular mod

        Rougechicken the idea is just to let the AI rush to you whenever you change planets in bounty mod. i don't see what kind of "originality" you are speaking of.

          akinata oh I thought I i just added more ships nvm

            10 days later

            i heard that those who haev their own mod talk section should have all their mods in their section.
            could you then move this post to (awv & stargate) mod talk section? or should i copy paste everything and make a new post?

              I'll move it, thanks for reminding me of this one.

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