Did some mod version testing. Removed various mods that had dead download links. Updated all 14.2 mods to be compatible with 14.3
Cosmoteer master mod list
You forgot Decomod and Archon Plasma.
MegaNikiGaming They are on the list. I saw them.
12/8/18 update:
Did more mod testing
- Galaxy in flames updated to show 14.3 compatibility
Added More reactors mod to the list
I might just be blind but I can't find my juke boxes mod in the list.
GunsForGuns Pretty sure I didn't include it because the download link was broken. Can you just confirm that the mod works for 14.3?
IVIemories yes i just fixed the link two... three days ago i forgot... some time ago. i know it works because i use it in game. (insert thumbs up here)
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IVIemories Drones ++ by @Jbox1: Drone mod. Currently in the process of being re-written into Automation++
Latest compatible version: N/A
Wait, wait, wait, does that mean that Automation ++ is the major mod, and Drones ++ is a minor mod?
(Does this also mean I “technically” made two major mods?)
jbox1 No, it technically means that Drones++ is now outdated and obsolete.
IVIemories You’re no fun
jbox1 no, I'm IVIemories.
@IVIemories is never fun. Trust me.
Yay just noticed I was on the list! Sweet!
Northerner Every mod that is currently being updated is on the list, but I really do need mod authors to start using the comments system to help make update the list.
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My mod works with 0.14.3
Automation ++ is at version 1.2, and is compatible with Cosmoteer 0.14.4
Whoever is requesting view permissions, it looks to be a problem with your network. The document itself is shared with everyone.
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But.. But... Will Drones be fixed for 0.14.4?!
All My ships will be broken.. even more than they were last time.. XD
(Actually idk.. I may not even stay around long enough for it to matter..)