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Striker class Heavy cruiser.

Cost: Just under 5M.

Crew: 960.

Info: It has pretty heavy fire power on the sides, its fire power is quiet weak frontally but it has a railgun that has almost 1000% power. it has decent speed but a slow turn and reverse rate. it also has decent missile defense.

The_Bloodnaught Thank you for your submission! Your ship passed testing and will be added into the player submissions folder in a sub folder that has your name on it!

I think the ship is very good looking, and it also points out how weak most of my tier 10 designs are, but I'll get them beefed up eventually. Great ship deserves to be in the mod.

Northerner Glad you like it, i usually go with apearance in mind and fire power more on second thought! but dont worry, im going to work on the Striker II Soon, wich will be a battleship class that will cost at around 10M 😃

Striker II Class battleship.

Price: 10M.

Crew: 1988

Mass: 27519,1 tonnes.


Striker II class battleship. (Winged version)

Price: 10M

Crew: 1876

Mass: 28083,3 tonnes


Star Point Station.

Price: 10M

Crew: 1784

Mass: 26166,4 tonnes.


The Maw.

Price: 9.1M

Crew: 1922

Mass: 21999,1 tonnes

Made a nice selection of ships to choose of bud, 😃

The_Bloodnaught Thank you for your submissions! after about 2 hours of testing, The Maw, Passed! it will be added to your sub folder with your other ship!

    0.5.0 Update

    • Updated numerous designs to be more effective.
    • Added several ships, one for each tier.
    • Added "Artemis" by Spalato into the bounty Mode.
    • Added "Rail-Knight" and "Falcon" by Oneye. into the bounty mode
    • Added "Striker class Heavy Cruiser" and "The Maw" by The_Bloodnaught into the bounty mode
    • Re-balanced Cobalt weapons to be less OP.
    • Finished Cobalt Sprites.
    • Added new tier 11 ships.
    • Added tier 11 ships to Bounty Mode.
    • Added new worlds called "Terminal".
    • Fixed the spelling of "operations" in the mod description.
    Northerner changed the title to Galaxy in Flames v0.5.0 Titan Update.
      • Edited

      Northerner Here some ships for the starting sectors.

      An (old version) 80k laser fighter.

      A bonus starter/ enemy is the Riptide.

      (I have a better one for myself)

      A cheapo ion ship, the Blacksmith.


      And a simple cannon ship, the Tulip.


      Oneye Thank you for your submissions! Blacksmith passed the testing will be added into your folder in the mod!

      While i liked all of your submitted designs your ships Sparrow, Riptide and Tulip did not pass. Sparrow and Riptide came close but lost the tie breaker rounds and Tulip lost all but two of its fights.

        Ive done a lot of updates to the original post. Most of these changes more clearly define what I want the mod to be as well as better spelling out what I am looking for in player submitted designs.

        Northerner Yeah, although I'm surprised the 5parrow and Riptide didn't pass the tulip was meant to be weak.

          Oneye It was very close with those two, Sparrow and Riptide were under cost compared to the other designs they had to compete with. If you want to the know the price range per tier I have that in the original post now. Also if you want to beef up the designs a little to be a bit closer in price to the other ships in their tier I'd be glad to run them again.

          Northerner Alright, I will do that. Also, here is a new ship you might want to test.


          Northerner Ok, I've upgraded the Riptide to the Riptide Heavy. Hope it does better.


          Oneye Thank you again for submitting! Both ships passed and will be added into mod in your sub folder.

          Again very impressive designs! And if I may ask what are your opinions of the ships in the mod so far?

            • Edited

            Northerner Well they are generally pretty good, but there are a few things I would change.

            1. The excessive amount of moving walkways, moving walkways are pretty expensive and are really only needed if you need to connect things far away.


            1. You almost never used engine rooms and instead used a ton of huge engines. First off engine rooms are really useful and should be used more on a lot of your ships (as well as boost thrusters). Second, the one time I saw you use an engine room (on the lylat cruiser) you barely used it at all.

            1. This is a more minor one, but you seem to use a few more reactors than needed on ships with heavy lasers, its fine to overdraw your reactors around heavy lasers, they don't actually take as much power as they look like they do.

            Oneye Thank you for your feed back! I agree I need to use more engine rooms and boost thrusters, I am more than likely going to sweep through my ships designs again next week so i will see if i can fit engine rooms and boost thrusters on more ships. More than likely I'll need to make entirely new designs to accommodate them. Just like heavy blasters I forget that they are there.

            The excessive amount of walkways has a lot to do with my factorio play through's and I am noticing that in most of the ships that have them currently work just as well without them so ill probably remove them on most ships if not all of them.

            We'll have to agree to disagree about the reactors on the heavy blaster ships as i did try to have less reactors on my early concepts of the ships but the blasters kept running out of power. It could have been just placement issues so I will try re working some of them to see if I can overdraw without running out of power.

            Again thank you for your feed back hope to see some more of your designs soon! And hopefully my designs continue to get better and offer even more of a challenge in the future.